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-aversion to happiness

-fear of happiness

If you have been reading keenly through the prior chapters of this mediocre story, you might have encountered the term 'character sketch' at least once.

A character sketch – from the term itself – would refer to character’s sketch. That is how (L/N) (Y/N) would describe the term character sketch according to her character sketch. And, what you see before you is how yours truly would give a definition to the meaning of a character sketch.

In any case, to further discuss the phrase in simpler terms, a character sketch would refer to a character’s design. This would include an actually sketch of how they look like, a description of their outer appearance, and their traits as well as how they would make a decision for themselves or how their minds would work.

Now, since your author here is starting to get nauseous – a term here which means about to barf from the disgust of using a term over and over again using a term over and over again – let us proceed to the story proper, shall we?

From Kusuo’s perspective, (L/N) (Y/N) is an unabashed girl that would barge in his room without knocking nor any sort of permission after getting invited by Mrs. Saiki to make herself at home. This has been pretty much a daily routine in the Saiki household throughout the duration of summer vacation, even from the prior year.

It was that fact which had unnerved the pink-haired boy, along with the account that the (h/c)-haired hasn’t visited the Saiki residence for four consecutive days now. He might as well add that it has also been four days since the festival, and also four days since he had boldly left a chaste kiss on the obnoxious girl’s lips.

Well, of course, he had to take responsibility. Especially upon witnessing his own mother acting rather off from (Y/N)’s absence, emitting a gloomy aura in the house as it seemed she misses the girl’s presence greatly -- Kusuo knew it would be pathetic and irresponsible of him to turn his back on the situation with his tail between his legs.

And so, we now have our favourite salty psychic standing in front of the shut door of the one and only (L/N) (Y/N)’s apartment unit with his iconic frown present in his thin lips – the lips which had touched his idiot’s not too long ago, we might add.

Now as a friendly reminder, Kusuo just definitely decided to check on the girl because he feels responsible for the situation and not because he misses her. It was just that Yuuta has been coming over his house quite often and he needs the girl to entertain the viridian-haired child for him to enjoy his peace; he just cannot do so with a five-year-old bugging him. Yeah, and (Y/N) surely acts her age.

Those were the sole reasons Kusuo decided to check on her. iT wASn’t liKE hE’s bEeN mIsSINg hEr sTUpId aSs. iT WasN’t LIkE hE wAs aNXioUs tHAt hE hAD mAdE hER uNComFoRtAbLe aFtEr ThAT oNE kIsS.

As much as that was a pain to type, we can now easily discreet how being a tsundere – to those who haven’t watched enough anime, referring to a person who would often play hot and cold which is otherwise known as a person with a bipolar ass – is included in Saiki Kusuo’s character sketch.

Unlike the resident of the apartment unit before him, Kusuo was still one to have proper manners – unlike his shameless (h/c)-haired idiot that who rarely shows any sign of politeness and respect towards him. For the most part, he has only seen (Y/N) act with manners in front of Mrs. Saiki but that could only be observed when she was greeting or speaking with the latter. As for the rest of their interactions, she was the same brazen dolt.

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