Isn't it obvious? 23

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POV So Hyun

I am challenged. I wanted Donny to be mine.

I was speechless with our last conversation. I promised I won't be the So Hyun he originally knows.

I went to their Law Firm after my only class in the morning.

I felt how busy the employees were. I found out Donny's dad is coming back.

The real President passed by on me while I'm standing. I thought he didn't notice me but he stopped and looked back.

"So Hyun," he called my name.

"Good morning Sir," I greeted him.

I did it because I am starting my plan.

Donny's dad looks so different.

Then Donny being unaware of his Dad's presence came. I stopped him telling his dad just arrived.

"Really!" he said feeling so happy.

I thought of the best way to answer but he immediately run to see his dad.

I followed him.

"Dad, I'm glad you're back," he welcomed his dad.

"Look at yourself!" President Peterson told him.

"Dad, don't you like how I look?"

"Who told you to wear something like that?"

"Dad, now that you're here, this means that I could go to school?" he excitedly asked.

His dad didn't answer.

"Dad, you didn't even told me that you're already okay, how could you do this to your only son? I was so worried," Donny told his dad trying to be a good son but feeling cold inside.

Then Chairman Peterson' secretary told something to him.

Donny is supposed to go with them but his dad told him to stay.

After they went out,

"Donny, do you have any problem?" I asked him.

"So Hyun I don't know how to say this but can't you feel how I feel?"

"How could you ask me that way Donny?"

"Either I have a problem or not, So Hyun please get out of it."

"Is that as easy as to say that? Donny, do you remember those times when Sharlene is not around? Who were there for you?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it."

"When you needed help, when you're so down, I was there, I helped you, I did everything I could to make you happy again, I brought smile into your face but how could you just ignore me this time?"

Donny was touched to what I said.

"If you feel ignored, that's not what I want you to feel."

"Don't worry Donny, I am not that someone who is so hungry of your attention. But if you're still my friend, please take me to Shar. I have to meet my friend."

Donny agreed. I am so happy.

I texted Sharlene to meet me at the gate.  I made sure that she will see me and Donny together.

My plan worked the way I thought. Donny did not see Sharlene but Sharlene saw us together.

Donny visited Sharlene's school but he didn't even greet her. It's a good sign for me.

I went to her School to invite Sharlene at home for a dinner with my family.

POV Donny

Dad's come back is not really a come back. I have to still act as the President although he's the one responsible in all the decisions to make. Dad is still the Chairman. I cannot go to school but to have my own school at the office. I have to learn what I need to learn through the help of a professional teacher.

Dad made me busier. He is back of being so strict. I tried to contact Shar to inform that Dad is back but she doesn't receive my calls.

I sneaked out at the office and went to meet Shar. I disguised as a student.

Sharlene did not notice me since I am wearing the same uniform for the law students.

I grabbed her hand and hurriedly let her in my car.

CJ saw us. He came planning to save Shar. He hit me. I too hit him then drive quickly.

While driving,

"What do you need?" she asked.

"I need to know information about you."

"What kind of information?" she asked.

"Why are you so busy that you can't even receive my calls?"

Shar looked at me. She found out it's me.

"Stop being childish," he told me.

"Who is childish?" I asked.

"Do you know that you can always drive any time but you cannot drive all the time?"

"What do you mean?"

"You can't spend all your time, coming here and do whatever that comes into your mind."

"I just want to see you." I told her and look at her at the same time.

"Why do you have to do it?"

"Isn't it obvious Shar?"

"Obvious what?"

I cannot tell her yet. I have to think of another reason.

"Dad is back and I want to tell you."

"I know, So Hyun already told me."

"But didn't you miss him? Why didn't you come and..."

"I have my own reason why I can't."

"If all reasons are acceptable, then why do people feel disappointed?"

"If all reasons are told, what is secret for?"

Then CJ just appeared in front trying to stop my car.

Of course I have to stop or else I will hit his.

He knocked the window but then noticed me.

"Donny...Donny..." he called my name two times trying to let me out of the car.
As I opened it. Shar hurriedly went out. I followed her calling her name.

"Let her go," CJ told me and grabbed my arm.

"Do you like her?" I asked him.

"I won't act this way if I only see her as friend."

"Does she like you?"

"Why would you ask me that question? You should be the one asking that to her."

"When did you start liking her?"

"I don't just like her, I love her Donny."

I was not able to say a word right away.

"May I ask the same question you asked me, you think Sharlene likes you? Do you feel you are important to her life or do you feel that she is avoiding you?"

With the question he asked me, I think Shar is avoiding me.

"I know you have an answer to each question I asked. Either any of your choice it's only her who could answer it for you. You don't need to tell it to me. Because I won't believe someone who is trying to be a hero but actually a weak hero."

"Weak or strong hero, is still a hero. And remember, heroes have weaknesses too. If you could only see my weaknesses, then you might be the villain."

Reason of Every WhyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora