The Process 48

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"Donny, please stopped the car at the cafè."

"Why? Are you not going to meet your client?"

"She's there. I have to talk to her."

"I want to come also."

"Not this time. Go on with your meeting."

Donny let Shar go.

Shar met the student whose mother filed a case against her teacher.

"Nariia, right?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Sharlene Shin."

"I already saw you before."

"Then, that's good. May I talk to you?"

"You should talk to my mom, not me. You're an attorney, right? She's in her office right now."

"But, I also want to talk to you."

"I don't have time."

"But why are you here, don't you have class at this hour?"

Donny met the complainant about the hit and run case against CEO Hokins.

Donny gave her some food for her child.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

"I'm Atty. Donato Peterson, please don't be afraid of me."

"You mean you're his attorney? How could you help someone who violated a law? How could you let me and my child be in a harder situation? I can't pay Big Time attorney like you, I can't afford to pay you to make sure that I'll win."

"I am not here to frighten you so you will not continue your complaint against my client. I am here to negotiate with you."

"I know nothing. I might be scammed and end up with nothing."

"Don't worry, I am not that kind of attorney. I am here to ask how much did he owe you."

"Why would I believe you?"

"Come and I'll let you meet him."

Donny called his client to meet him.

"CEO Hokins, I am sure you're still nervous about the sudden publication of your name with a bad record."

"Have you forgotten you're my attorney?"

"Of course not CEO. Can we just settle the complaint against you smoothly?"

"What do you mean?"

"We won't be going to attend hearings anymore, have to pay for the damage you made."

"Doing that will only prove that I did and I admitted it."

"CEO Hokins, let's try to change the scenario. Imagine that you are the mother with a child got hit by a car, was hospitalized but no one helped you. How would it be?"

"No, don't ask as if I am a mother, that is not going to happen."

"If you can't imagine it then let's change it. Imagine that you are the child and your mother was hit by a car. How would you react? Are you not going to ask for compensation? How about the hospitalization? If no one will help you then who will help?"

"Okay, let's just settle it. How much does she need?"

The mother suddenly appeared.

CEO Hokins never expect to see her.

"What are you..."

"Now let's compute how much will you pay for her."

Donny computed it. And it is 105, 000 pesos.

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