14 | always one step behind

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Been feelin' so alone in every crowded room
Can't help but feel like something's wrong, yeah


This was it, the big switch everyone needed. Not only did this change everyone's view on Tao, but it also changed their view on me. That's right, Redwood Academy. I am you're new Queen.

But I was still missing something, the crown. Tao might've lost her spot at the table, but she hasn't lost everything she spent years building up for her. It takes more than a broken crown to destroy a whole kingdom.

Thankfully, the good impact of removing the girls was already being put into motion. Even I could see it. The A-listers actually looked like friends. We were all talking and laughing, and I can't remember the last time the table was like this since the beginning of the school year. I knew there was still some tension. Like the was Luca and Isaia would give each other death stares out of nowhere. And the fact that Reece was sitting next to me, and would be almost daily, was making me nervous. Especially since the last time we had a literal one on one conversation I was screaming at him.

I didn't know how Cajes was feeling. Especially because I knew little about him, and earlier on in the year I remember him having a thing with Brandy. But besides that, even the guys seemed to be holding up well.

I was just concerned about what Tao was planning. Because there was no way she'd walk away, just like that. There was no way she'd just give up. She wasn't an A-lister anymore. But she wasn't a B, C, or D-lister either. The girls were all on their uncategorized ranking currently, and I needed to change that. There was no way I'd walk into winter break without them at LEAST being a C-lister.

And speaking of winter break, it was creeping up closer and closer each day. I had 3 weeks until it started. I can't believe it took me so long to get to the point I'm at now. But hell, little progress is still progress. I hope.

It was, at last, the end of the day. What worried me was the fact that it was only Tuesday. Only. The hell was I supposed to do for the rest of the week? I just initiated the first contact in a war but I didn't have any moves left. Savien was at my locker already by the time I got there.

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