The Greek Deities Mentioned in the Previous Chapters

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Zeus (pronounced as 'zoos')
-Olympian god of the sky and thunder and king of all the gods.

Poseidon (pronounced as 'poh-sai-don')
-Olympian god of the sea, earthquakes, horses and king of the seven seas.

Hades (pronounced as 'hey-dees')
-the god of the dead and king of the underworld.

Ares (pronounced as 'air-eez')
-Olympian god of war.

Apollo (pronounced as 'ah-poh-low')
-Olympian god of the sun and light, music and poetry, healing and plagues, prophecy and knowledge, order and beauty, archery and agriculture. Twin brother of Artemis.

Hephaestus (pronounced as 'heh-fes-tus' or 'hee-fey-stus')
-Olympian god of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges, and the art of sculpture.

Hermes (pronounced as 'her-mees')
-Olympian god of trade, wealth, luck, fertility, animal husbandry, sleep, language, thieves, and travel.

Eros (pronounced as 'eh-ros')
-the god of erotic love.

Hypnos (pronounced as 'hip-nos')
-primordial deity and personification of sleep.

Morpheus (pronounced as 'mor-fee-yos')
-the god of dreams. Son of Hypnos.

Phorcys (pronounced as 'for-sees' or 'for-sis')
-the ancient sea-god of the hidden dangers of the deep. Husband of Ceto.

Achelous (pronounced as 'ah-keh-los')
-the shape-shifting river-god who was the personification of the Achelous River.

Athena (pronounced as 'ah-thee-na')
-Olympian goddess of war, strategy, and wisdom.

Artemis (pronounced as 'ahr-teh-mis')
-Olympian goddess of hunting, the moon, wild nature, chastity, and archery. Twin sister of Apollo.

Aphrodite (pronounced as 'ah-fro-dai-tee')
-Olympian goddess of love, beauty, sexual pleasure, and fertility.

Demeter (pronounced as 'deh-mee-ter')
-Olympian goddess of the harvest, agriculture, grain, and fertility.

Hestia (pronounced as 'hes-tee-ya')
-Olympian goddess of the hearth and domestic life.

Hecate (pronounced as 'heh-kah-tei')
-Titan-goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts, necromancy, and crossroads.

Circe (pronounced as 'sir-see')
-the goddess of magic.

Tyche (pronounced as 'tai-kee')
-the goddess of fortune, chance, providence and fate.

Persephone (pronounced as 'per-seh-foh-nee')
-the goddess of vegetation, especially grain, and the wife of Hades. Daughter of Demeter.

Eunomia (pronounced as 'yu-no-mia')
-the goddess of good order and lawful conduct.

Aceso (pronounced as 'ah-seh-sow')
-the goddess of the healing process.

Ceto (pronounced as 'see-tow')
-the primordial sea-goddess of the dangers of the sea. Wife of Phorcys.

The Graces- three goddesses who represented intellectual pleasures: beauty, grace, and charm.

The Graeae (pronounced as the 'grah-yey')
-also called the Grey Sisters, and the Phorcides, were three sisters who shared one eye and one tooth among them.



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