Academia de Semideus Official Terminologies

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- a Roman demigod and Lar. Son of the Roman goddess Laverna who accompanied Ahlkria inside the Vesuvian Labyrinth.

Animalis Guardians
- a term used to describe the semideus' guardian animals bestowed upon them by their parental deities.

Arch of Hercules
- the ancient gateways to the Vesuvian Labyrinth.

Ceremony of Acknowledgement
- a sacred ceremony held in the academy as a way of the gods for claiming their semideus children who come of age.

Divine Weapon
- weapons of the semideus or demigods that are already blessed by the ichor of their parental deities.

Dominicus and Amabilis
- the ancient architect and engineer in the city of Herculaneum whom the demigod Hercules assigned to build the Vesuvian Labyrinth.

Gardens of Aphrodite
- a beautiful garden located beyond the academy's borders where a variety of mythical plants and flowers grow and bloom.

Hall of Weapons
- an armory of the academy where semideuses enter to choose their divine weapons.

Helen of Troy's Diadem
- a magical vintage artifact or headdress owned by the famous Helen of Troy also known as Helen of Sparta, made out of aurum and adamas which was given to her by her father, the God Zeus, as a gift when she was wed to the King Menelaus of Sparta.

Isles of Sarpedon
- a mystical island hidden and located beyond the portals of the Straits of Messina where the gorgon sisters of Medusa, Stheno and Euryale are thought to live.

Little Achelous
- a wide and clear river located on the west part of the academy's barriers as a special gift to the semideuses by the river-god Achelous.

Mageia and Kratos
- two large black wolves known as Ahlkria's animalis guardians bestowed upon her by her parental deity, the ancient titan-goddess Hecate.

Olympian Steel
- a metal that originates from Mt. Olympus itself, used by the god Hephaestus to create and forge the weapon of the gods.

Parental Deities
- a term used to describe the parents of the semideuses or demigods.

Sacred Hall of Deities
- a massive hall surrounded by the stone statues of the different Greek gods and goddesses located somewhere in the academy where semideuses who come of age, perform the Ceremony of Acknowledgement.

Theïko Kýklo
- also known as the 'Divine Circle' casted by the minor goddess of magic, Circe, herself at the center of the Hall of Weapons to serve as a guide to the semideuses and allow them to communicate and choose their weapons wisely.

The Eternal Flames of Quietus
- the golden flame. One of the three types of fire found in the Underworld along with the Flames of Tartarus and the Flames of Hades.

The Mythological Map
- a mystical map of the various mythological sites all-over the four corners of the globe that comes in the protection of the mist and concealed from mortal sight. It was given to Archsev by his parental deity, the goddess Athena.

The Orb of Apollo
- a magical glass ball owned by the daughter of Hecate, Ahlkria, given to her by one of the younger Olympian gods, Apollo, as a gift for his betrothed. It harnesses its power from the sun and posseses the ability to emit a blinding ray of sunlight, fatal enough to repel the dangerous creatures of the ancient myths but only limits to three charges per day.

The Vesuvian Labyrinth
- the deadly maze made by Dominicus and Amabilis found beneath the surface of the town of Herculaneum as a secret passageway to the cave located on the summit of Mount Vesuvius.

The Willow Woods
- an eerie and deadly forest located beyond the academy's barriers that lies before the Gardens of Aphrodite.



The terms mentioned in this part of the story are made by the author and not part of any actual Greek Mythology facts. Thank you! :)


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