Chapter 48

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Miracles in December | Exo

Hinata woke up from a loud scream. "CHRISTMAS TIME MMMMMMMM!"

Daichi covered Tanaka's mouth with his hand and smacked his head with another. He glared and Hinata rubbed his eyes then got up. He grabbed his pillow and went to Tanaka.

"Come down."He said tiredly and Tanaka nodded kneeling confused.

Hinata smacked his pillow at Tanaka who fell back while the others watch. Tsukishima smirked and some laughed.

"Be quiet. People sleep here."He said going back to his futon.

He put his pillow down and slammed himself into the futon then fell asleep. They laughed and the others go get ready and eat breakfast. They didn't want to wake Hinata up because he was busy doing things with the girls yesterday.

Once it was afternoon. Hinata woke up seeing the others inside. They waited for the child to wake up, and obviously excited. He got up and walked to the door.

He turned and Daichi went to open the door for him then picked him up. He smiled and Hinata put his arms around him. They both went to the bathroom to wash his face. He helped Hinata brush his teeth. They got out and went to the gym room filled with decorations.

"Here you go. Go look at them."He frowned as he was put down.

Hinata gulped and his behind Daichi legs. He didn't like the feeling of being overwhelmed. The others started coming smiling at him.

"Don't worry. These are all for you. Go open them."He frowned and pulled Daichi sat down with the others.

He was given a small present first to Hinata. Hinata opened it slowly with some help. Hinata looked at the ballet shoes from Nekoma's Yaku, Inuoka, Shibayama, and Kai. Hinata gasped and looked excited.

"Can I put them on?"He asked and Yaku nodded helping him put on the shoes.

"Thank you! I like it!"Hinata said and he walked in them softly then hugged each of them.

"Now go over there,"Kai said pointing to Kenma.

Yamamoto gave him his gift and Hinata opened it. His eyes widen and laughed. He took it out and put it on his head. He flipped the hair and Yamamoto laughed. He thanked him and Kuroo frowned.

"Why did you buy him a wig? He can barely see through it."Kuroo asked him and Hinata frowned.

"To smack a rooster when I see one,"Hinata told him and Yamamoto fell down laughing with some others.

"Shouyou."He giggled and looked at Kuroo in a serious face that makes him smile.

"Alright alright. This is from Lev, Kenma, and I."He said and Hinata opened the present to see some baseball equipment because Hinata wanted them.

"Oh, now I can hit this at Tanaka if he wakes me up ever again."He said and Tanaka gulped and Suga's eyes widen.

What happened to him and what was he fed last night. He thanked those boys and then walked to Bokuto and Akaashi. He frowned and opened it to see stuffed animals.

"Oooh ITS A CAT!"He said throwing his hand up with the stuffed cat.

"Keep this cat and owl. Now we have matching ones."He said and Bokuto hugged him crying while
Hinata looked at Akaashi confused.

Akaashi helped Hinata out of Bokuto's arms then to the others. Onaga and Komi had bought him a spider-man costume. He was speechless.

"YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!"He said hugging them and they smiled.

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