Forty Two.

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Y'all have to remember what I said in the beginning. No breakups but there will be arguments. It adds substance to the book and makes it more realistic.

No relationship is perfect. They argue like any other couple. They're not toxic, they're human.

As far as major events happening, you have to remember there are time skips. It seems like it's back to back but it's not in reality. Just feels that way because of how I write the chapters.

Other than that, enjoy the chapter and excuse any mistakes...

Faith's POV

I came back from me zoning out and I stopped Dave from talking/ranting at me about the Chris situation. I walked back into the bathroom. "Don't even think about it." I said to Imani when she started taking her floaties off. She giggled and sat back down. "Come on." I picked her up and let the water out.

"What were y'all doing?"

"She wanted to go swimming today but it's raining so I set everything up in here."

He sighed. "Can I talk to you? For real."

"Yeah. Just let me get her back dressed and I'll come back." I quickly got her situated then went back to our room. I'm just glad he's talking to me now.

"I'm sorry." He said when I sat down. "I know you're tired of hearing it. I jumped to conclusions and I was angry. I know you wouldn't do that to me but y'all always hanging out so I just assumed..."

"I get that Dave but all you had to do was listen to me. I would never put you in a situation like that again. I don't have any desires to cheat on you. I promise. I'm married to you and I'll remarry you years and years later."

"I know. I ain't mean nothing I said. I was upset and wanted to hurt you but I need to stop doing that before my nightmares become a reality." He said the last part lowly.

"They're still occurring?"

I know about his dreams. I hear him when he sleeps but I don't press it because he never pressed me when I had them after the incident with Jayceon. He let me come to him so I gave him that same opportunity.

"You know?" He looked surprised.

"I know you Dave. I know when something is bothering you plus I can hear you talk in your sleep. I put the pieces together and guessed. Do you want to talk about it? I'm here if you need me."

"This isn't about me. I know you probably upset with me."

"I'm only asking that you hear me out anytime you see some bs on the internet. You know how the media flips things. Come to me and ask, not yell at me and call me out of my name. If I'm being honest, I'm tired of accepting apologies for things that shouldn't even happen. We have great communication skills when we actually use them so let's use them." I said then started telling him about the kiss.

It was a short story because I left right after. There wasn't much to tell. I was, and still am, as shocked as he is. Chris definitely overstepped and I have no control of how Dave will react when he sees him in public.

"Well how did the dress shopping go? Did you find your dress?" He changed the subject per my request.

"I did not. Nobody liked what I liked except Lena. I'll have to go by myself. Maybe I'll find something then. Then there's so many options. I want my dress to be perfect. I keep second guessing myself."

"Don't stress it. You'll find it." He stood up. "Lets go downstairs. I brought you some food back."

I followed him downstairs and he sparked up another conversation. "My mom called me."

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