Detention & Rooftop

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Chapter 36

Bella / Mariah's POV 😇

"Hey pssssst dork," said a teenager on my right.

I completely ignored the voice as I stared straight ahead and pretended to take notes on what the teacher said, while really I was writing reasons why I shouldn't show this kid what this so-called dork could do.

Deep breath.

Remember that he is underage.

After a few seconds of peace and I thought that he finally gave up.

Boy was I wrong.

I was aimed at with a crumpled paper ball thrown at me.

I could practically feel the vein in my brain pop and I turned at him with a murderous glare.

"Remember to behave," I hear Caleb's voice though the small bluetooth piece in my ear.

"Whatever, " I snapped back at him as I rolled my eyes annoyed.

"What," sneered the rude teenager. He was buff and seems to have no manners which is exactly why I decided to call him buffalo.

I pushed back my fake glasses as I looked at him.

"Oh sorry. I wasn't paying attention. You were saying?" I said innocently.

He looked at me with a look of satisfaction.

Deep breath.

Think of happy thoughts.

"Go on, don't be shy ask me out," the buffalo chirped.

"Puhlease" I snorted in a low voice enough for Caleb to hear and making him groan in laughter.

Think of your beautiful children.

Think of nutella and ice cream.

I sighed.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked yet again 

He nodded in triumph.

"Well then please do me a favor and get out," I said pointing at the door.

"Funny dork," He lets out a humorless laugh.

Does he think that calling a girl a dork will make her want to date you?

What has happened to their generation?

"You want to go on a date." He asked suggestively as he raised his brow.

This is illegal.

I can be put to jail for this.

Oh man, this is ridiculous.

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