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Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jin came running out of the room towards Chung Ae and I

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Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jin came running out of the room towards Chung Ae and I. Meanwhile, I didn't know what to do or what to say. All I could do as the three men helped Chung Ae was stare with horror at my reflection on the pond of the red liquid splattered on the floor.

I didn't even notice that Taehyung has been shaking me the whole while to get me back to my senses until he started snapping his fingers next to my ear.

"Seo Yeon!" He shouted and it immediately got me back to my senses.

"H-huh?" I replied and he gave me a smile.

"You look like a scared chicken. Don't worry. Chung Ae is fine. He has been having these ever since he woke up," He said, but it did nothing to ease my frightened heart.

"But he-" I was about to argue but he interrupted me again.

"Give him nearly five minutes to breath and he will be the healthiest person on the face of this planet," He said and I nodded, but the image I saw just a couple of seconds ago didn't seem as simple as the way Taehyung portrayed it to me.

"Come on. Let's go back to the room," He said and pulled me along.

When I entered the room, Chung Ae was sitting down on a chair and looked just fine. My heart kind of felt at ease seeing him sitting straight, but it still didn't make sense. How? And why?

The moment I entered the room, his eyes met mine and I could tell that he knew I got some questions to ask. We all kept on looking at each other in awkwardness until they realized that Chung Ae and I had to talk.

Namjoon cleared his throat and said," I'm going to go look for more supplies."

Jin and Taehyung both got the clue and started excusing themselves too.

"I'll go help Namjoon," Jin said.

"I'll see.... if.... the... birds... nevermind I am just going to leave," Taehyung said which left a smile on my face.

My bias is acting cute in front of me and my heart isn't in the right shape to handle it.

When Taehyung closed the door behind him, I immediately looked at Chung Ae.

"Are you okay?" I asked him with concern and he just scoffed it off.

"I'm okay. I mean, I'm just here to save you and your friends from dying. I doesn't matter anyway," he replied with a sad smile.

"No. No Chung Ae. That's not why you are here. You did save Taehyung. You did save Jimin. I do thank you deeply for that. But, the whole time while you were unconcious, we were all taking very good care of you. We didn't think of leaving you even though we were already facing difficulties. And.... if this is about how I treated you back there... in the storage room, I'm deeply sorry. I was just... stressed out. I shouldn't have let it out on you. I was stupid. I'm sorry," I said and he smiled again.

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