Chapter 1

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Me and Alison have been dating for 2 months now, and we haven't told anyone. But I have to admit, this whole secretive thing is pretty hot! I do want to tell people, especially my friends, but I'm not so sure Ali wants to...


I have everything I've ever wanted! Emily, no -A, my friends back, but we haven't even told Spencer, Aria, or even Hanna!!! I love them, and I want to tell those 3 girls before I- WE tell anyone else, but I'm afraid of want everyone would think... I'm "The Ali D. Queen Bee" and I don't want to lose that. I also don't want people to think differently of me. I'm not a bitch anymore, but still...


Ali and Em have been acting different, and it's not a good different... I bet if I ask Spencer she'll figure it out. She's a Hastings! She's not Melissa Hastings, but she's a Hastings. But I'm all for #TeamEmison


I know it's short, but I want to know what all off you think before I keep going.

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