Chapter 24

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You know those dreams where you're falling, falling, and right before you hit the ground you wake up? You wake up, and keep replaying the dream in your head. You want it to end. It feels so real. But it's not. Nightmares possibly.
A dream is a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person' mind during sleep. Your brain making things up.
But this, right now, was not a dream.
This was a nightmare.
And I just want it to end. I want for it to all be over.
I want to wake up.

I was playing with Karsen, and Elijah. Elijah runs off, I turn my head for 5 fucking seconds, and BAM!
Time to go to the Emergency Room.

I run over to Hanna, and Karsen is in her arms, blood covering her face.
"What the hell happened?!" I yell. I don't mean to. This is me scared and worried.
"I turned around to grab Eli, and she fell off of the slide!" Hanna says, tears in her eyes.
"She'll be fine." Aria says, trying to calm Hanna down.
"Umm... Yeah. But it looks like she needs stitches. Let's go." Spencer says, picking up Eli.
I grab Jonah. Emily grabs Lindsey. And Aria packs everything up.
We have to walk to Spencer's house first. Thank god it's close.
Hanna, Spencer, Karsen, and Eli go in Spencer's car. Emily, Aria, Jonah, Lindsey and I go in Em's.

We just got to the hospital. And Hanna won't stop freaking out.
"Hanna, she'll be fine! Calm down!" I shout at her. "I'm scared! ...I'm probably going to be fired!" She says and her voice gets really high-pitched at the end, and she groans.
The doctor comes over.
"Alright, Princess. Let's get you all patched up, shall we?" She asks, and smiles. We walk over to one of the beds. The doctor sanitizes her hands, and puts on gloves, and what not.
1 hour later, we're good to go.
"See, that wasn't so bad. Now was it Hanna?" Spencer asks playfully, and talks to Hanna like she's a baby.
Everyone else laughs.
There's a knock at the door.
"Dammit..." Hanna mutters.
I roll my eyes, and get up to answer the door.
"Hi, Blair!" I say cheerfully, and extend my hand to shake hers. She responds.
"I got your message. Sorry I didn't answer the phone. Work SUCKS. Stitches, huh?" Blair says, and frowns.
"Yeahhh..." Hanna says looking down, stretching the word.
"It's fine, kids get hurt." Blair says. Glad she understands.
We explain all that happened, and Blair says it's okay, pays us, and leaves with a smile. Of course all of us giver her a third of out money. Her kid had to get STITCHES for crying out loud. "That was easier than I expected!" I say gladly, and everyone nods in agreement.

Nightmares end eventually.
This one just did.
Nightmares SUCK.

Sorry for not updating yesterday!

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