Chapter 39: New York and Toys R Us

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4 hours later

"We're here!" I shout to everyone, who are all now sleeping. Except for Caleb.
"Ugh! What time is it?!" Hanna groans.
"11:17." I tell her.
"I'm hungry." She says.
"Of course you are." Alison mumbles sleepily.
"Okay. We have 2 days to explore." I tell everyone as they all wake up.
Alison gets out of the car and her face lights up.
"Ooh! This hotel is nice!" She says as she smiles wide.
"It is! Which one is this?" Aria asks me.
"4 Seasons Hotel." I tell them.
"Spencer, you didn't have to do this." Caleb says.
"But I wanted to. And besides, my parents paid for it." I tell them, and we all smile.
We grab our bags and head into the hotel.
As soon as we enter, Alison gasps and runs off.
"Alison! We have to check in first!" Hanna yells at her.
"Could you guys be quiet?!" Caleb says, trying to be quiet.
I sigh, and go up to the front desk.
"Hi." I say to the lady. She looks nice.
"Hi. Do you already have a reservation?" She asks me.
"Yes. Hastings, Peter." I tell her.
"Ah, yes. I have it right here."
"This place is awesome!" Alison shouts, smiling.
"Umm....I'm sorry about them. They can't control themselves." I tell her.
"It's fine. Do you all live together?" She asks.
"Yeah. We have an apartment, well more of a loft in Rosewood, Pennsylvania." I tell her.
"How does that work?" She asks.
"Alison, the crazy blonde running around, well one of the crazy blondes, she is my younger half sister." I say, which earns me a slap on the arm from Hanna.
"This one is Hanna." I say, pointing to my friend standing next to me.
"That's Caleb. My fiancé." Hanna tells her.
"That girl is Emily, Alison's fiancé." When I tell her Alison and Emily are a couple, she smiles.
"I'm Spencer." I say, gesturing to myself.
"And this is Aria. My fiancé." I finish.
Her smile gets wider.
"I love how open you are about your relationship. My brother is gay, but he was scared. He didn't tell anyone for years." She says.
"Thank you." Aria and me say in unison to her.
"Well, here are your room keys. Enjoy your stay." She says, handing my the cards.
"Thank you."
We walk into the rooms, and we are met by a fantastic view of New York.
"It's beautiful!" I exclaim.
"Ooh! The bed! It looks so comfy!" I shout, and throw myself onto it. "It is comfy! And squishy! And cuddly! Kind of like Em!" I say, snuggling into the pillows.
"So you're now comparing me to a hotel bed?" She asks.
"A really comfy, snuggly bed in a a nice hotel in beautiful New York." I tell her.
"Hmmm..." She replies.
"Let's go shopping!" I shout, once we're all settled in.
Me and Caleb have our own room, and Spencer, Aria, Alison, and Emily are sharing the other room.
"Okay! Just calm down!" Emily says to me while laughing.
4 hours later

"We're here!" I shout to everyone, who are all now sleeping. Except for Caleb.
"Ugh! What time is it?!" Hanna groans.
"11:17." I tell her.
"I'm hungry." She says.
"Of course you are." Alison mumbles sleepily.
"Okay. We have 2 days to explore." I tell everyone as they all wake up.
Alison gets out of the car and her face lights up.
"Ooh! This hotel is nice!" She says as she smiles wide.
"It is! Which one is this?" Aria asks me.
"4 Seasons Hotel." I tell them.
"Spencer, you didn't have to do this." Caleb says.
"But I wanted to. And besides, my parents paid for it." I tell them, and we all smile.
We grab our bags and head into the hotel.
As soon as we enter, Alison gasps and runs off.
"Alison! We have to check in first!" Hanna yells at her.
"Could you guys be quiet?!" Caleb says, trying to be quiet.
I sigh, and go up to the front desk.
"Hi." I say to the lady. She looks nice.
"Hi. Do you already have a reservation?" She asks me.
"Yes. Hastings, Peter." I tell her.
"Ah, yes. I have it right here."
"This place is awesome!" Alison shouts, smiling.
"Umm....I'm sorry about them. They can't control themselves." I tell her.
"It's fine. Do you all live together?" She asks.
"Yeah. We have an apartment, well more of a loft in Rosewood, Pennsylvania." I tell her.
"How does that work?" She asks.
"Alison, the crazy blonde running around, well one of the crazy blondes, she is my younger half sister." I say, which earns me a slap on the arm from Hanna.
"This one is Hanna." I say, pointing to my friend standing next to me.
"That's Caleb. My fiancé." Hanna tells her.
"That girl is Emily, Alison's fiancé." When I tell her Alison and Emily are a couple, she smiles.
"I'm Spencer." I say, gesturing to myself.
"And this is Aria. My fiancé." I finish.
Her smile gets wider.
"I love how open you are about your relationship. My brother is gay, but he was scared. He didn't tell anyone for years." She says.
"Thank you." Aria and me say in unison to her.
"Well, here are your room keys. Enjoy your stay." She says, handing my the cards.
"Thank you."
We walk into the rooms, and we are met by a fantastic view of New York.
"It's beautiful!" I exclaim.
"Ooh! The bed! It looks so comfy!" I shout, and throw myself onto it. "It is comfy! And squishy! And cuddly! Kind of like Em!" I say, snuggling into the pillows.
"So you're now comparing me to a hotel bed?" She asks.
"A really comfy, snuggly bed in a a nice hotel in beautiful New York." I tell her.
"Hmmm..." She replies.
"Let's go shopping!" I shout, once we're all settled in.
Me and Caleb have our own room, and Spencer, Aria, Alison, and Emily are sharing the other room.
"Okay! Just calm down!" Emily says to me while laughing.
We're walking down the streets of New York when I see "Toys 'R' Us" this store was my childhood.
I smile and look over at Emily giving her my best puppy dog face.
"Let's go in!" I exclaim excitedly.
"Really?" Spencer asks.
"Yes really! This store was my childhood." I say enthusiastically.
"If you want to go this bad, I think you are still a child." Spencer says.
"Please?" I ask.
"Fine." Spencer gives in.
"Yay!" Hanna says as her, Aria, and me all run into the store.
All of us gasp when we go through the spinning glass doors.
There's a Ferris wheel right in the middle of the store, and it has to be at least 4 or 5 stories high, full of different shops.
I go and tin over to one of the escalators and go up. Once I'm at the top I turn and see a baby store full of clothes and little shoes, and car seats and strollers. I smile when I see a mom and her two kids, at least 1 and 3 years old.
I want that. And soon.
I look around seeing if there are any stores appropriate for someone my age, which there probably isn't, and then I see a candy shop store. Who cares if I'm 19?! I'm getting some candy!
I go over and pay for 2 boxes of Wonka nerds, some sweet-tarts, and chocolate.
I look down the the floor below me and I see Hanna in the toys section.
I go down the escalator and I walk over to Hanna.
"Hey, Han!" I shout.
"What's up?" She asks.
"Ferris wheel?" I ask, smiling.
"Um, you can go with your fiancé because I'm going with mine."
"Ugh! Fine!" I say, throwing my head back.
I pause... "Where is my fiancé?" I ask.
"I don't know." Hanna says, turning to Caleb.
"Ferris wheel?" She asks him.
"Sure." He replies, and grabs her hand.
I look around and I see Emily looking at the Lego buildings.
I go over to her and put my hands over her eyes.
"Guess who." I say.
"Hmm....I don't know." She responds.
I uncover her eyes and turn her around.
"Hmm....No. I don't know you. You're way to pretty to be mine." She says when she opens her eyes.
I blush and look at her. I lean in and lightly kiss her lips.
"Ferris wheel?" I ask.
"Sure!" She replies and smiles at me.
We go down and we see Aria and Spencer looking around, and Hanna and Caleb waiting in line for the Ferris wheel.
I pull away from Em and go over grabbing Aria and Spencer's arms, and pull them over to Hanna and Caleb.
"What are you doing?" Spencer asks me while laughing.
"Ferris wheel! Duh!" I say.
Finally it's our turn.
Hanna and Caleb get in the spongebob one because Hanna loves spongebob, Em and me get in the Rug-Rats one below Hanna and Caleb, Rug-Rats was my life as a kid. And Aria and Spencer get in the Scooby-Doo one, which is below us. Spencer loved Scooby-Doo. Mystery and solving crimes? Spencer lived for that as a kid.
The Ferris wheel starts going, and I have to admit, it's pretty boring. But I'm here with my fiancé. My Emily. And that's all that matters. I pull out the candy from my bag, and we eat it and laugh and joke around until the ride ends.
I am going to fuck her so hard on New Years after the ball drops, and we kiss, and go back to out hotel.

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