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"Luna, those students over there by the stage are yours." His long arm pointed to the far end of the carpeted gym. "Come I'll introduce you to them." He said leading me to the quiet group of students.

I fixed my ruffled skirt before we made it to the kids, We stopped in front of them and their curious eyes peered over at me. I wanted to cry.

They looked like little babies-wait they basically were babies only being five to six years old. I smiled as they continued to stare at me, my heart felt warm all of a sudden.

"Mr. Kim is this our new teacher?" A little boy asked, sitting with his legs criss crossed.

Namjoon nodded his head with a big smile as he looked down at the boy before him. Another little boy clapped his tiny hands before yelling out.

"Mr. Kim, she's so pretty... I'm so happy she's our teacher!"

I giggled at the adorable babies. Soon after Namjoon made sure I was okay to take them on my own. I led them to my classroom. They quickly put their bags into the closet and sat down at their tables.

"Okay, I guess I'll introduce myself again even though Namjoon already told y'all who I am." I mumbled more to myself than to them.

"But teacher, it's okay. Because you have a nice voice." A little girl said, making the rest of the class nod their little heads in agreement.

I smiled at them and cleared my throat to speak.

"Aw, thank you." I blushed.

"Hi everyone my name is Luna. The rule is that you're supposed to call me by my last name, but I like my first name better. So please call me Ms. Luna." I said going over to my desk to grab the attendance sheet with their names on it.

"Okay I'm going to take roll, please say here and raise your hand when I call your name. Also do correct me if I butcher said name."

A boy from the far back raised his hand with a confused expression. I called on him and he worriedly asked if butcher meant that I will kill their names.

Then he continued on to say that he really likes his name and would be really sad if I killed it. I felt a smile on my face as I shook my head and began to take roll.

"Zach?" I called out raising my head when a little boy said 'here'. I smiled at his chubby little face and called the next name.

"...Anastasia?" I asked looking up for the called student.

There in the seat closest to my desk was a little girl with long black hair that was neatly curled at the ends. She had large dark brown eyes and fair skin, like that of an angel. She quietly raised her hand and gave a small 'here'.

"Ms. Luna what are we going to do today?" Reya, a girl from Anastasia's table, asked as I went to the back of the room, where the white board was.

There were no erase markers so I couldn't write. I could ask next door, but I don't feel like doing much today. I turned to face my curious students. Their sparkling little eyes watching my every move.

We could just do nothing, it's my first day so...

"I was thinking about a chill day. How about I read you some books? Does that sound good?" I replied watching them cheer with their hands in the air.

"But! Only if you don't say anything to the other classes." I pointed a finger at them and they immediately nodded their heads in understanding.

Some even going as far as zipping their lips and throwing away the imaginary key.

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