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pink packages of ramen

Author's POV

As soon as her eyes opened she shut them tight. Everything hurt for her. Light poured in from the window in her room and stung her tired and heavy eyes. She grumbled in pain as she tried to turn on her side.

"Ana?" A voice asked from behind her door.

Said girl didn't even acknowledge the voice that called out to her. Somehow she managed to flip onto her side, with her back facing the door. Shivers running up and down her spine, causing her to grip the blanket on her form tighter.

"Princess. You need to get u-"

Her dad opened the door after knocking so many times.

"Oh?" He mumbled walking in to see Ana on the bed. She was under the pillows and fluffy blanket.

"Daddy I-I don't f-feel good." Ana chattered, teeth hitting each other with each syllable she spoke.

Her dad brought a hand to her scalding forehead and flinched. It was definitely a fever. He sighed. Work was calling him, he couldn't stay and tend to his daughter. So he called in the reinforcements; Jung Hoseok.


"Okay make sure she drinks lots of fluids and try to make her eat something-"

"Bruh I got you. Don't worry." Hoseok smiled as he casually pushed his friend out the door and closed it before he could say anything else.

Hoseok made his way to Ana's room with a small pout, upon seeing his princess shaking under the covers. He made sure to grab a thermometer and some Tylenol.

"Ana, I got some medicine~" He sang as he walked over to the girl.

"No. I don't want it." Ana's voice barely reached Hoseok's ears and he was standing directly behind her.

He sighed and set the items down. If he wanted her to cooperate he had to be patient. She was cold so he thought of something that would keep her semi-warm while he tried to get her to take the medicine. He took a yellow bunny onesie and slowly uncovered Ana.

"Here put this on. It will keep you warm and then when you take your medicine we can have ice cream to make you feel better!"

Ana took the plush outfit from her uncle and frowned. "I'm not supposed to eat ice cream- I'm sick....and shouldn't breakfast come first uncle Hobi?" The little girl slipped into the onsie and took the small cup of red liquid from her uncle's hand.

"Nope! Since uncle Hobi is here now we can do whatever you want."

His heart-shaped smile radiated a certain kind of energy that made others feel the need to smile too. Ana stared up at her uncle with a miniature smile of her own. She knew there was no disagreeing with him, so ice cream for breakfast it was.

"Say...Ana do I have to call the school and let them know that you're sick?"

Ana simply shrugged her shoulders, shoveling a spoon of mint chocolate chip ice cream into her awaiting mouth. Hoseok put the thought off and went back to his own bowl of ice cream. Maybe her dad already called in. He thought to himself.

So after ice cream the duo spent the rest of the day reading mystery books, eating a bunch of snacks, and watching Disney movies. When the time neared four in the afternoon Ana's head was resting on Hoseok's lap as they napped.

Small whimpering woke Hoseok up and he immediately glanced down at the girl sleeping on him.

"N-no." she mumbled, punching the air.

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