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It felt like I was hit by a train head on (HEAD ON APPLY DIRECTLY TO YOUR FOREHEAD- if you don't know where this is from I swear 😭) sorry, anyways... my head had a pulse and that was not good. Sure I was alive but very much in pain.

With my eyes still closed I tried to shift my sore body. Clanking of metal made me open my eyes to a blurry room. It took a moment for my vision to clear. My wrists were chained to the wall and my ankles bound together by zip ties.

I managed to sit up and lean on the cool wall. As I glanced again at my feet I realized my shoes were missing and my bare feet were covered with dirt. I took in more of myself to see what had happened. A red splotch of blood was dripping down beside me. Most likely from my head-

"Am I just invisible?" A man's voice asked, somewhat irritated.

Horrified. I immediately looked up to see a blonde haired male by the door, sitting on a chair. His face was emotionless as he rested his upper body on his elbows. It was that same man who I gave my invitation to at the convention. Except he no longer had his red suit on, instead he wore ripped black jeans and a plain white t-shirt.

His brown eyes were narrowed in my direction. I couldn't tell what of me he was staring at, but nonetheless it was creeping me out as I began to shift uncomfortably under his cold gaze.

"I know you speak... so talk." He demanded and began cracking his knuckles.

What the heck do you want me to say? I wondered. "You're not invisible?" I said quietly.

The door opened before he could say anything else. My eyes saw her shoes first the same red ones that stepped on my phone. I made my way up to her icy eyes. She wore a smirk that made me want to run her over with a car to wipe it off her stupid face. Maybe a pan to her pretty head would do the trick. Yet here I was bound to the freakin wall and looking like a sack of potatoes.

"You can go babe." She kisses the male on the head.

I watched with wide eyes as he gazed up at her. So she's got a new man...


"Taeyong. Move." Her tone cut through the air like a knife. He didn't even wait another second before giving up his seat to her. Then he sent me one last glare and left us by ourselves.

I stared hard at the ground when I felt her eyes lingering on me. Not wanting to look at her dumb face. My fist clenched with anger and I wanted nothing more than to hit her.

"Awe Lisa...or should I call you by your real name?" She asked, waiting for a reaction.

I slowly looked up at her. Her face was bright and full of amusement seeing me so worn down. I huffed a sigh and remained silent.

"Luna. You're so dumb- well not only you, but that group of idiotic men you associate yourself. They are even bigger ones." She mocked with a smile. Her white teeth practically sparkling as she gazed at her nails in a snobby way.

"Okay and? At least I don't lose brain cells by looking like one." I retorted.

She rolled her eyes and suddenly got up from her chair. Slowly she waltzed her way over to me and pulled out her phone.

"The only one here losing brain cells is you- how's that head injury holding up? My baby packs a strong punch...want to know why?"

I kept my eyes locked on my bare feet. The tapping of her nails on the phone screen filling the room.

"Because he is with NCT." She grinned.

What was she trying to do to make a word play on their most recent comeback?

"I mean I didn't ask so..."

Ignoring me she shoved her phone into my face with a little giggle.

Ignoring me she shoved her phone into my face with a little giggle

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It was a picture of me and Taehyung on the jet. I made a mental note to smack Jungkook whenever I got out of here. The fact that I overlooked the notification telling me that he tagged me in such a thing was surprising.

"See idiots. I only saw this because a fan of Taehyung posted it herself. And guess what? It led me straight to you and by pure chance you flew to Korea."

"What do you even want from me?" I asked, feeling exhausted even though I just woke up.

She made her way back to the chair and crossed one leg over the other. Her hair laid in large curls that hung just over her shoulders. My hands began to fall asleep as they were above my head and I really had to use the bathroom.

"There's nothing you can give me... it's Taehyung I want not you." She corrected, slipping her phone back into her bra.

I frowned. My patience was wearing thin and I felt like I was on the brink of passing out. What the heck did they hit me with? I wondered to myself.

"Then why am I here?" I asked the woman in front of me.

"You're someone close to my ex and together you and his daughter will help me achieve what I want."

"And that is?"

"I want ownership of KTH ENT." Her red lips formed into a smirk as she watched my face drop.

Just then her phone rang and she slipped it out to answer it.

"Hello?" She asked with a sweet tone.

"Oh? Namjoon- you!" She sneered into the phone.

The way her voice changed from Princess Peach to Bowser was scary. I felt myself shaking- wait maybe that's because I had it use the bathroom so bad... either way it was weird.

"What do you- no I will not put her on the phone who do you think I am?" She smirked.

"You know what I want..." Chungha said, glancing over at me. There was a short pause before she was rolling her eye in annoyance.

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