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a furry cowboy and his golden steed

Since there was no school today I decided to take my beloved pets to the park, excluding my little kitten Mau-mau. She'd rather sleep then be outside at the moment.

The air was crisp and cool as it was getting ready to be Fall in a few days. I took in the red and yellow leaves littering the ground. They made small noises as I walked over them. When we neared the park, Nochu began to squeak with excitement as Snickerdoodle too began to jump and tugged the leash in my hand.

"Hold on let me find a nice bench where I can sit and then I'll let y'all go. Okay?" I mumbled, looking for the best spot.

I spotted a large tree by the bathrooms. Under it stood a little park bench. Perfect.

When we made it to the spot I let my pets go and took a ball out from my purse. Throwing it a few feet away from me I watched as both Snickerdoodle and Nochu ran after it. More like Snickerdoodle chasing the ball and Nochu hopping to catch Snickerdoodle.

I laughed as Snickerdoodle returned to me with the bright yellow ball.

"Where's Nochu?" I asked my puppy who tilted his head at me, waiting for the ball to be thrown again.

A small squeak came from behind me and I jumped as I felt Nochu jump on my head. Of course he'd do that, my bunny isn't normal. I laughed and took him off of me, setting him beside Snickerdoodle where he turned and leaped onto his back.

"He's not a horse!" I giggle tossing the ball.

The two animals took off. A furry cowboy and his golden steed running after the small bouncy treasure.

Small giggles drew my attention away from my pets and I looked over to see a little girl with dark hair laughing her little head off. She was riding on a man's shoulders with her arms out. My smile faltered when I realized it was my student Ana and the man she was being held by was her dad.

I checked my phone from my previous message to him and it was still marked as sent. I frowned since he hadn't read it yet. I put my phone back into the bag just in time to see my pets running back over to me.

I heard the two being a few feet away laugh again. Maybe it would be better to leave-

"Uncle Kookie? I think I see Ms. Luna!" Ana yelled pointing over at me.

Oh great he's here too now?!

The said man looked around for me, but was facing the wrong direction each time. Taking this as my opportunity to sneak away I quickly grabbed my things to make a get away.

"Uncle Kookie look that way!" Ana laughed reaching down from her father's shoulders to point the confused man in the right direction. Sadly when she had finally managed to get him to look where she wanted I was already gone. Well hiding behind a nearby tree.

I had Nochu tucked in one arm and Snickerdoodle in my other, while my purse dangled from my shoulder. Nochu's nose was twitching and he made little whiny noises. I swear that little girl was his soulmate, he was always sensing her and wanting to be near her.

"Shh."I whispered, checking to see if the coast was clear.

I noticed Taehyung had furrowed eyebrows as his daughter and friend were talking about me and where I had gone. My heart beat heavily in my chest as Nochu jumped from my arms and ran over to the small group of three.

"Oh my god..." I rolled my eyes. I wasn't even going to run- yes I am.

"Nochu!" I screamed chasing after the run away baby bunny.

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