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get your ass out of the dishwasher

My legs moved faster than Dispatch could drop a new scandal. If it wasn't for Nochu, my morning would have been perfect and stress free. I stare ahead at the scene before me. Nochu had somehow gotten on top of the fridge and was stuck.

"I'm not even going to ask you how or why... it's obvious you wanted my banana snacks." I mutter watching the poor baby squirm its little body in the small box.

A loud squeak and he had gotten his small head out of the tight space. Now how was he planning to get down? Even Snickerdoodle and Mau-mau were beside me as we cautiously glanced up at the gray bunny on my fridge.

It always baffled me as to how that small baby could be hiding in the weirdest places. Like how does he even get up there?

"Nochu come on, I'll catch you."

It takes a moment for him to get ready. He stomps his paws a couple times, earning a meow and a bark from my two pets beside me. Then while my arms are still open wide, Nochu leaps into the air. I gasp as the ball of fur comes straight for me and lands in my awaiting arms.

"You freaking idiot. What were you thinking?! The next time I find you up there, you're getting down yourself." I scolded him, tapping his butt a few times.

He squeaks and then begins to cover his face with his ears. I carefully lift one up and make him look me in the eye. "Nope. You will not use the ears to hide from me, wait- are you ignoring me?" I mumble watching the furry ear slip from my fingers and fold back onto his face.

"Hey you better listen to me- Nochu that was dangerous. Now you're in trouble. Don't act like you don't deserve it." I narrow my eyes at the silent bunny, with its ears still over its face.

"You know what? Fine be like that see if I let you eat carrots for dessert ever again." I mutter setting him onto the couch and then heading back into the kitchen to make me some lunch.

Nochu hurriedly jumps onto the rug and dashes after me. As tiny paws hit my legs and feet I simply pretend he's not there and continue to gather some ingredients for a quick meal.

Squeak. Squeak.

"What? Are you remorseful now?" I ask looking down at the pouting baby.

His large eyes stare back up at me and I feel bad for ignoring him. Curse this little man. "Damn bunny." I mumble tossing the french fries into the oven.

I take a seat on the couch and feel something poking my leg. It's a paper I flipped it over and remembered I had something important to do today.



I offer Hoseok a seat and he slowly sits down. I glance behind me to see Ana playing with Nochu. Her eyes sparkled with happiness as the dark gray bunny jumped around her. Small giggles escaped her lips as he tickled her leg with his paws.

"So how is Ana doing?" Hoseok asks, bringing my attention back to him.

His dark eyes held a certain gleam to them. He looked like the type of person you would go to if you were lacking hope. I cleared my throat and thought about the events throughout the week.

"We have been getting along really well, but as for the other kids she's pretty distant."

"Yeah she's not much of a talker." He says, nodding his head in understanding.

I mentally frowned. What was that supposed to mean? She talks all the time and has a very active imagination. I furrowed my brow but pushed the fact aside.

"Uh yeah. I think she would benefit more if she did interact with the other kids, but I don't force her to do anything she's not comfortable with."

"Thank you. She's been through some stuff so I hope we can work together to help."

"Yes I hope we can too. If you don't mind me asking what does her dad do?" I couldn't find anything on file and the number that was there wasn't available to call.

Hoseok smiled and took out a piece of paper and a pencil.

"Ah I guess I can tell you...you seem trustworthy enough." His eyes twinkle with curiosity. "Ana's dad is the owner of KTH ENT. Here, I'll give you Taehyung's personal number."

My mouth dropped open. The Kim Taehyung? Holy shit.

He hands me the little slip of paper.

"Contact him if you have any other concerns about Ana. Fair warning he might not answer, because you're in an unknown number, but I'll give him a heads up"


That same paper was sitting in my hands. I didn't want to call him. After Hoseok had told me that the last teacher spammed him with creepy messages and voicemails. I don't want to be labeled as someone like her.

If I really wanted to help Ana I should message him. Maybe not call since it would most likely go straight to voicemail. I smiled. I have Kim Taehyung's phone number...in the palm of my hands.

"Y'all I have Kim Taehyung's number...do you know what this means?" I asked my Snickerdoodle and Mau-mau who sat on the couch on opposite sides of me.

They watched me jump up, Nochu even appearing from under the couch to run over to me. I picked him up with a big grin. "Bruh- I could be that weirdo...nope I'm not." Nochu's nose twitched as he began to sniff my hair.

I giggled and left a kiss between his ears. "I'll be the responsible adult that I am and help the little girl in need."

Just then the oven beeped and Nochu hopped out of my arms. I squealed as he kicked me in the face and landed softly on the ground. I held my throbbing cheek with the palm of my hand. Did that really just happen? I wondered to myself.

"And this is why you will not be getting carrots- Oh my god! Nochu, get your ass out of the dishwasher!"

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a/n: I do sometimes wonder how Nochu manages to get in such places. I mean he's a little baby bunny his legs are only so long!

 I mean he's a little baby bunny his legs are only so long!

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