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As the door opens a loud voice proceeds to call out into the empty room. I jump, immediately thinking the worst. It's Jungkook and he's found us.

"Hoseok?" Jin quietly mumbles, helping Ana down from the sink.

She reaches for my hand and we interlock our fingers, following Jin down the hallway and to the foyer where the voice had come from.

When we clear the hallway we see that it is indeed Hoseok with Jimin right behind him. When he turns to greet Jin his mouth drops open in shock.

"Oh my god!" He squeals, legs carrying him like the flash over to Ana and I.

Where he then squeezes the life out of us. Another tight squeeze. Jimin is now also in on the little hug.

"How'd you do it?" Jimin asks, hoisting Ana up into his arms to hold her more closely.

It's the cutest thing when she buries her little head in his chest. Even she can tell he's trying very hard not to burst into tears. Hoseok watched them with warm eyes then looks over to me with a big grin that could blind someone.


"Jin what's going on?! Is everything-"

Namjoon bursts through the door with a panting Yoongi. Chest heaving and sweat glistening on their foreheads. Did they run here?

Yoongi sees us first then taps Namjoons shoulder gaining his attention. He turns towards Jimin and Ana then towards Hoseok and me. He smiles.

"The hell is going on here?" He whispers with wide eyes.

Yoongi brushes past him to give us girls a hug and we all take our little reunion to the couch. We just were waiting on one person: Taehyung.

"Where's Taehyung?" Jin asks, setting some water bottles down on the coffee table.

They shrug their shoulders in response.

"Last we knew he was off with Jungkook looking for y'all two." Namjoon motioned over to Ana and me.

The little girl's face dropped when her uncle's name was mentioned. Jimin noticed this and rubbed her back at her sunken shoulders.

"Can I ask now why we didn't tell Jungkook?"

Jimin looked over at Jin. Who in return shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't know.

Causing the younger to frown with confusion. "What do you mean you don't know? You sent the message, dumbass" Jimin spoke with an accusing tone.

"Not in front of the baby!" Jin urged.

"I'm not a baby." Ana pouted, eyes glaring daggers at her eldest uncle a few seats away from her.

"Y'all stop. I sent the message."

The door to the suite opened once more. We all turned in unison to see Taehyung, looking down at the floor. He softly shut the door behind himself and made his way into the living room, hands shoved deep inside his jeans pockets.

"What-" He began to look up.

His eyes find Ana's, he then falls to the floor in tears. Ana hurriedly runs over to her dad as he covers his face when sobs begin to wrack his body.

"Daddy?" She whispered, taking his large hands away from his face.

He hummed in response, taking the little girl into his embrace. As they sat on the floor crying their eyes out and embracing each other the rest of us shared a few sniffles and some even wiped their tears with the backs of their hands.

"I m-missed you so much." Taehyung whimpered, kissing the top of his daughter's head.

He softly caresses her hair. "Did she hurt you?" He quietly asked.

"Just my head. But I'll be okay daddy, I promise." Ana whispered into his shoulder.

Taehyung looks up for a moment and smiles sadly. Eyes red and tears staining his pink cheeks. "L-luna what the hell are you doing over there?" He sniffed.

Ana also turned around to look at me. I froze, confused not knowing what it is that they wanted me to do.

"Huh?" I muttered with my brows raised.

"Get over here loser." He said, voice choking up at the end.

I cautiously went over to the duo and sat down on the ground beside Taehyung. Not even a second later I was being squeezed against him and Ana in a hug. 

He smelt of the woods. Like the air when there was rain in the forecast. A field of wildflowers: all of it mixing together to create that amazing scent I know as Kim Taehyung.

I rubbed the palm of my hand up and down his back to soothe him. His tears left a spot on my shirt as well as Ana's, since she too was leaning on me. I knew I would be the one to fix them. My heart started to beat faster when Taehyung moved his face to the crook of my neck.

His breathing had slowed down as I could feel his warm breaths hit my skin, it tickled. Then the others decided to join in and make it a bigger group hug.

We sat there for a while, no one saying anything. It was at that moment I realized Ana was no longer beside me. She was tucked away into Hoseok's arms. So that meant I was now only hugging Taehyung...and as I looked around his arms weren't around anyone. My eyes shifted behind me, yep his arms were around me and we were only hugging each other. My ears burned and my face got hot. This was the longest I had ever hugged someone.

"So where's Jungkook?" Taehyung asked, raising his head from my shoulder.

· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·

{962 words}

a/n: A shorter chapter but eh. Well anyway the gang is all back together! Well except for Jungkook :( This book ain't over yet, we still have six chapters or so till the end 🥺❤️ Andddddd also to add some more news to this note... a sis is moving into her college dorm on freaking Wednesday 👀 oh geez I'm really nervous!! I'll be a freshman all over again. So next time I post I'll be in the dorm- woahhhh. Alright that's all, see you next week 🥰

~ xoxo lola 🤍

~ xoxo lola 🤍

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