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Correction: I haven't died yet since I was still here

I was surprised that there were no witnesses at the market. It was now Saturday, Ana had been missing for three days. Taehyung's been avoiding me ever since I put him in his place at the hospital. Speaking of which Hoseok was now free and taking it easy at home. The man still couldn't remember anything from Tuesday. Since it was discovered that he had been hit by a blunt object.

I was currently at my apartment scrolling through the news, I paused when I heard the anchorman say kidnapping. I turned up the volume and slowly leaned in to the tv.

"Tuesday evening it was said that a black range rover pulled into the local grocery store. A bystander has reported that they saw a blonde male with a black face mask knockout and physically drag another male into said vehicle. Meanwhile a woman with a masked face and hair color unknown grabbed the unconscious child who was with the stricken man. If you have anyone information to where or what happened to these four individuals please call the police-"

I quickly turned off the television and dialed Jimin.

"I'm coming over."


Everyone including Hoseok was gathered in the living room. We had spread out on all the couches and were gathering information.

"Okay so there was a witness." Namjoon thought out loud writing the car information down.

All we had was that it was a black range rover and that both of the suspects were blonde. Taehyung seemed oddly quiet on the other side of the room.

"If there's no enemies and nothing bad I honestly don't know who would be crazy enough to kidnap Ana." I sighed frustratedly.

Jimin slowly stood up and looked as if he made the biggest discovery of the century.

"Yes Jimin?" Jin asked, raising a brow at the younger's weird behavior.

"You said it was a range rover...right? Think about it: who is the only person we know that could afford a vehicle as such and want to kidnap Ana."

The group was quiet. Meanwhile I was clueless as- yeah you get my point.

"Erm a rich person who wants revenge." I sarcastically answered not expecting a reply.

"No idiot. My ex-wife." Taehyung snaps.

Oh now this royal ass wipe wants to talk to me. Namjoon and Yoongi simply shake their heads in disappointment at their friend's childish way of acting.

"Well maybe I would have guessed correctly if y'all wouldn't be so taboo about her. Who is this woman anyways." I asked, for a sip of my water.

"Kim Chungha." Jungkook simply says, causing me to choke.

Jimin patted me on the back to help me breathe again. It didn't help that they were all looking at me like I died. Correction: I haven't died yet since I was still here.

When I did manage to get my lost air back. I was still shocked. They were telling me that Chungha the model and CEO of Tonight Makeup, was his ex wife and Ana's freaking mom? I suddenly felt sick as most of my favorite makeup came from her company and then I felt even worse since I was currently wearing that makeup...

"Y'all got any makeup wipes?" I asked to no one in particular.

Since apparently Jimin shares this nice apartment with Jin and Jungkook, one of the three were bound to have something I could use. I know their skin ain't naturally that good looking. Or maybe it was-

"Er... down the hall third door to your left, top shelf on the right." Jungkook answered, watching me quickly run off.


"So we have a lead?" Jimin asks glancing at us for approval.

Taheyung abruptly stands up. His face void of any emotion except his regular frown. I could only hope that when we got Ana back things would change for the two of them.

"No no we do not have a lead. What if- what if it's not her?" He states.

I heard groans and I didn't even have to look around to know that I wasn't the only one staring at him like he was the dumbest person in the world.

"You didn't just ask that..." Namjoon said, bringing his face to his hands.

"Bruh she's looking pretty guilty right now let's just go out on the whim." Yoongi suggested, earning a few nods from the others.

I turned to look at Taehyung, who seemed to be thinking. What was there to think about? Just do it, whatever they were planning. I mean we have a kid to freaking save.

"Fine. But if we're going to do this...we're going to need a plan." Taehyung said, sitting back down on the couch.

Suddenly Hoseok appeared in front of the television, with a white whiteboard on wheels and a black expo marker in hand. I frowned as none of us even realized he had slipped away.

"Hoseok you know you're not supposed to be walking around!" Jin scolded him and slowly helped the man to sit back down.

"Whatever..." Hoseok pouted.

In a matter of a few minutes Namjoon with the help of Taehyung had constructed a plan. When they finally revealed the board it was full of black writing, only it was unreadable.

"Taehyung why didn't you write? You know Namjoon's handwriting isn't legible." Yoongi mumbled, getting up to try and read whatever was written.

"Sit down grandpa you couldn't read it even if the writing was legible." Namjoon laughed shooing the black haired male away from him and the board.

"Anyways this is the game plan. We are going to have Taehyung contact her, to make sure she actually has Ana. From there if Jimin's suspicions are correct we move onto phase two."

Jungkook raised his hand, causing Namjoon to roll his eyes in return.


"Uhm what if Chungha doesn't have her? Then what do we do?" Jungkook asked, crossing his arms over his chest. An action supposed to make him look like an adult, but in reality turned him into a boss baby.

"Let's take it one step at a time...now Taehyung go get your phone."

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