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tippy toes

After waking up to Snickerdoodle's paw in my face I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. At least this time it wasn't my baby bunny jumping off the dang furniture again. A small sigh left my lips as I carried my phone and bottle of water to the kitchen counter.

I have yet to change out of my pajamas and still had my hair in two braids with a bandanna wrapped snug around my head. Yuh, my typical night wear. I made my way to the refrigerator and opened it.

"Nochu! Get out of the fridge!" I shouted, snatching the grey bunny away from the carrots he laid his beady eyes on.

The fluffy baby squeaked in my arms as I set him back on the floor only for him to jump back into the open shelf and onto the stack of carrots.

I rolled my eyes and with a shake of the head I reached for the bunny. This time my kitten Mau-mau pops out of nowhere and steals Nochu's carrot from my grasp. Nochu immediately hopped away from me and dashed after the brown and blue-eyed kitten.

"Please be careful!" I shook my head and continued to look for something for breakfast.

There were two bottles of strawberry yogurt smoothies, some turkey bacon, an egg, and some mustard. What the heck was I supposed to do with that? I defeatedly closed the fridge and turned to see Nochu hopping back into the kitchen with half a carrot in his mouth.

"Nochu where's the other half, baby?" I asked, rubbing the soft spot behind his ears.

He flopped an ear over his face and squeaked loudly. I giggled and nodded my head like I understood him.

"Okay...well then I- ugh nevermind." I sigh and go back to the fridge to grab the strawberry yogurt bottle.


Close to lunch time I had made a mental note to go grocery shopping before dinner. At the moment I was sitting on the couch with a Snickerdoodle sleeping beside me and Mau-mau on my lap. I had the sneaking suspicion that Nochu was up to no good, but I had better things to do at the moment.

I went onto the Google search engine and thought for a second before beginning to type.

How to get your student to be more interactive...

Most of the stuff that popped had to do with the class as a whole. I frowned and continued to scroll. This isn't what I'm looking for. I typed in another sentence and clicked search.

how to help an introverted student...

I scrolled down and stopped when an article caught my eye. It mentioned avoiding type casting and more quiet time. I shook my head. That's not it either... I tried one more time.

how to help students who have trouble at home

My eyes widened instantly as the page loaded. Anastsia's behavior matched perfectly, I took some notes and planned to watch her more closely during class to see if my suspicions were correct.

A small crash from my bedroom quickly grabbed my attention and I turned my head from my spot on the couch.

"What the hell are you doing now, Nochu?" I muttered carefully, placing Mau-mau in the spot I was sitting on and heading to my room.

I slowly enter my bedroom and glance around the small room. Nothing seemed out of place until I heard a little whimper. My heart dropped when I turned to the closet to see Nochu shaking under a pile of my shoes. I shook my head at the troublesome bunny and picked the shoes off of him.

He jumped into my arms and rested his face in the crook of my neck still shaking a bit.

"You better not be injured now. I really hope you learned your lesson but knowing you, it's a definite no."

With a tiny sigh for the millionth time today I make sure all of my pets are safely sleeping on the couch before I head back to my bedroom to get dressed.

I changed into some dark high-waist skinny jeans and a white off the shoulder blouse. When the coast was clear of any awake pets I made my way to the door and slipped out, locking it quietly behind me.


With the little list in my hand I slowly push the cart with the other. My eyes scan the large selection of produce. I just needed some zucchini and yellow summer squash.

"Ana, go pick your favorite ice cream. I'll look for some food for dinner." A males voice said as he neared where I was.

I side glanced at the male next to me. He was really good looking. His red hair made him even more noticeable. As the light bounced off his tan skin I blushed when I noticed him turning to look at me. I immediately turned the other way and walked to the other side of the store. My heart pounding furiously in my chest.

At this rate I'll never get a boyfriend if I keep dodging men left and right. I sigh and head over to the frozen aisle. I see a little girl stand on her tippy toes and reach for a strawberry cheesecake carton of ice cream. Upon closer inspection I realize it's Anastasia. I freeze. Should I say hi? Would it be awkward?

Defeatedly I go back the way I came and ran right into someone. He grunts in discomfort and my eyes widened in surprise as I felt someone's breath on me.

Oh dear god-

"I'm so sorry-"

"Are you okay?"

We speak at the same time. He smiles down at me and I cautiously back away from the red haired man.

Apologizing a few more times I leave the practically glowing man, forgetting about my student that was staring at me the entire time with a cool carton in her small hands.

"Uncle hobi...that was my teacher, Ms. Luna." I heard Anastasia whisper not so quietly.

"Ahh she's really pretty...mind if I get her number?" The man asked his voice low but I still managed to hear it since I was in the next aisle.

Anastasia giggled. SHE FREAKING GIGGLED. "No. She's going to end up with my daddy. She's off-limits for you."

"Aw now Hobi sad."

I blushed even harder. Never mind I can shop later, takeout sounds nice for dinner.

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{1084 words}

This is Luna's outfit for this chapter! :)

This is Luna's outfit for this chapter! :)

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