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u.s. secret service

The door to the hotel suite closes with a soft click. I didn't even get all the way into the living room before I was swarmed. Questions came hurtling at me. Asking if I was okay, if anything happened and what did she say. It took a moment for the boys to calm down before my smirk reappeared.

"I'm a freaking legend, don't talk to me!" I shouted with a bright smile.

"What?" Namjoon frowned.

"Fine I didn't want to talk to you anyways." Yoongi murmured, going to the couch.

Rude. I shrugged my shoulder and whipped out the white envelope, accidentally smacking Taehyung in the face with it and causing him to bump into Jungkook who then stepped on Jimin's foot and made him fall into Jin who in turn smacked his head on the wall behind him. Except it wasn't a wall it was freaking Namjoon who groaned in pain and glared daggers at Jin.

"The fuck is wrong with you people? This wouldn't happen if you wouldn't stand so close to each other...idiots." Hoseok said, rolling his eyes. Then turning to look at the envelope in my hand.

"What's that- Oh Taehyung you're bleeding." Hoseok frowned.

Taehyung brought a hand to his cheek and hissed. "No shit Hobi." He mumbled, walking away to the kitchen.

I opened the invitation and pulled out the glittery pink card. "I got invited to the party." I casually said turning the card over to read the details.

Jin swiped it out of my hands creating a nice slice on the tip of my pinky finger. I whined in pain and brought it to my mouth. "You dumb fuck." I cried.

"Language!" Namjoon said, narrowing his eyes at me.

"W-what they say curse words all the time why me?!"

"Cause you're the youngest." Hoseok added going over to look at the card in Jin's hands.

"Hey get your finger out of your mouth, what are you a vampire?" Taehyung said, dragging me into the kitchen.

His cheek was still bleeding and yet he was treating my cut first. How weird.

"You should tend to yourself first." I said touching his cheek, making him back away with a scowl. Some of his blood got on my finger so I wiped it with a wet towel.

"You're hurt though." He defended, trying to reach for my finger again.

I smacked him on the forehead and brought his face closer so I could clean up the blood that kept oozing out. He frowned when the cool towel made contact with his open skin.

"There we go. See it wasn't that bad!" I smile placing the towel in the trash.

I missed the small smile that graced his lips when I went to leave the kitchen. As I made it out to the living room I saw the boys gathered around Namjoon who held the pink invitation in his hands.

"So we need to go dress shopping for you...unless you packed something for an event like this." Namjoon states slipping the card back into its envelope.

I laughed and gained a few weird glances. "Of course I have a dress. I was going to be there somehow. Just didn't plan for it to be this easy."

"I don't know...something doesn't feel right." Hoseok mumbled. "I mean don't you think it's weird that it's all lining up so perfectly?"

Some of us shook our heads 'no'. He sighed.

"Let's tread carefully." Taehyung suggested as he rubbed Hoseok's shoulder in a comforting manner.


We gathered in the little office. The plan for later on today was to gain as much information as possible, since it would just be me it was my job to get her drunk enough to get her away from other people and then phase two would take place.

Hoseok left a few minutes ago and was just now entering the room. In his hands was a thick black briefcase. I watched as he set it down on the table in front of me and slowly opened it up.

"Alrighty Luna. Here is what you're going to wear tomorrow." He said pulling out some wires and other things I couldn't distinguish.

I picked up a small black bulb and held it up to the light in the ceiling.

"You want me to wear- what is this?" I asked, setting the weird object back down.

He chuckled and detangled a few mixed wires.

"These little things..." He held the black bulbs in his palms and showed them to me. "Are microphones, they'll go in your ears."

He put one inside and I thought they were going to get stuck from how far he pushed them in.

"This way you'll be able to communicate with us and vice versa."

"Wait why do you even have this stuff?" I wondered out loud taking the little gadget out of my ear.

With a little smirk the red haired man placed the microphone back into the case and closed it with a click.

"I used to be in the U.S. Secret Service. I got to keep some toys."

I smiled, having finally found out what he used to do. "So what do you do now?"

"He's a dance instructor." Jimin excitedly answered. The dude was practically bouncing in his seat at the mention of dancing.

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