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step one: call chungha

My whole day was spent at Taehyung's house. I was still flustered about smacking him, but he didn't seem that bothered. It was noticeable to the others that we were no longer at each other's throats, but very cooperative and able to let one speak without interrupting.

Using the plan Namjoon and Taehyung had made, we were still on step one: Call Chungha. Since she didn't answer the phone back in chapter 19, we decided to try again in 23.

Taehyung placed the phone on the coffee table in front of him. The dial tone rang through the air as we waited for her to answer on the other line.

"Hello?" A man's voice asked.

I saw the frown on Taehyung's face appear as he answered back also asking who he was speaking to.

"You called me...so I'll ask you. Who is this?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes with annoyance. Namjoon shot Taehyung a look and motioned towards the phone.

"Kim Taehyung." He muttered, voice going deeper.  "Who is this?"

A whisper of a curse was heard and then the line went dead. Jin abruptly stood up and took the phone into his hands.

"Where is she now? Do we know?"

Taehyung shook his head. "She could be anywhere. I don't know if it's Korea."

"Wait a minute it might just be Korea!" I said with an optimistic expression.

They looked at me. Some with incredulous faces and others nodding their heads in agreement.

"There's supposed to be a convention in Korea a week from now...it's pretty high up. Our best bet is that she'll be there, since she apparently owns the Tonight make up brand."

"She's right." Jimin stood up.

Namjoon took out his phone and started rapidly typing. "Alright then, Taehyung...you mind sponsoring?"

Taehyung gave the man a wary glance. I didn't know if it's because he was worried about wasting money or that maybe his daughter wasn't even in Korea.

"Ana needs me more than ever...even if we come back empty handed it's worth a try. I'll do it."

"Looks like we're going to Korea." Jin said slapping a bored looking Yoongi on the back.

"Wait what about your jobs at the school?" Hoseok asked with a worried look.

We thought for a moment. Having completely forgotten about our jobs. Taehyung was fine since he was his own own boss. The rest of us were screwed until I realized we had fall break coming up. Thinking back to it, the dates lined up perfectly for the South Korean makeup convention.

"That's nothing to worry about- fall break, remember?" I said with a small smile.

They breathed sighs of relief and then we began scheduling our trip to the other side of the world.


I was in the middle of packing my suitcase when the issue dawned on me. I freaking had three small pets. What the heck was I going to do now it's not like I can take them with me...or can I?


"...Taehyung, can you do me a favor please?" I asked in the kindest way possible.

He sighed and gave a little yes.


"What? Can you say that again. Slower."


"Your pets? No absolutely not."

I frowned. "Is it because of Nochu?"

"Yes if he's like that I can't imagine the other two. Tell you what, how about I have one of my friends take them."

I gave a glance to Nochu who sat on my legs, nibbling a piece of the carrot that I gave him earlier. His ears were flipped over, making him look even more adorable. I smiled.

"If you trust them then I trust your judgement that they'll be able to watch over my pets."

He chuckled on the other line.

"Look at you trusting me and stuff. This is new."

"You know what's also new?" I asked rubbing Nochu's head with the tips of my fingers.

Taehyung hummed in question.

"Going to Korea." I answered softly, putting Nochu on the couch beside me.

He gave whines of protest and tried to follow me to my bedroom. I laughed as he tripped over his paws and tumbled forward, doing a complete roll.

"You've never been?" Taehyung quietly asked.

I shook my head, he couldn't see me. "Er no I have only ever been to Germany...I was born there."

"Oh well in that case when we find Ana I should show you around. It is really beautiful...I miss it."

I wanted to ask him what brought him here to the States, but that seemed like a story for another time. Right now there were bigger things to worry about. Ana was still missing and we were quite slow when it came to searching. Tomorrow was the day our flight was scheduled to take off. I had to be at the airport to meet the group by 10:30 am.

"Hey about that friend of yours. When should I expect to give up my pets?"

"Uhm I could stop by your house tomorrow around 10 and he'll take them to his place. If that's okay with you."

I quickly gave him my address and thanked him. The call ended right there and I looked at my bunny who was sniffing at the stuff in my suitcase.

"Nochu you won't attack Taehyung's friend will you?" I asked picking up the baby bunny and bringing him to my face to have his full attention.

His ear flopped over and landed on my forehead earning a little laugh from me.

"I'm serious if I hear one thing about you jumping onto someone or even biting them! Nochu I swear there will be no carrots for a whole year."

He twitched his nose and gave a small squeak. I didn't know if he was protesting against it or agreeing. I smiled and kissed his little head.

"I'm gonna miss you. My little trouble maker."

A small bark made me turn around to the door of my bedroom. In came Snickerdoodle with Mau-mau not far behind him.

"Aw my babies what would I do without y'all." I cried hugging them all.

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