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crack head

A little bit after lunch the time called for the kids to be let out for recess. I opened the back door to the classroom so the kids could make their way out to the playground a few feet away.

The air was nice and warm. Only a few clouds littered the bright blue sky. I closed the door behind me and made my way to a lone bench to watch my kids play around.

My eyes scanned the fairly large park and came across a little girl sitting in the shade underneath a tree. Was that Anastasia out there? I quietly watched as she sat by herself looking at a few butterflies fluttering their wings about in the field in front of her.

"What are you looking at?" someone quietly asks behind me.

I turn around to see Namjoon making his way over to me. He had on sunglasses and lazily brushed a hand through his curly blonde hair. His students quickly ran onto the playground and began interacting with mine.

"Oh just checking on Anastasia...she doesn't seem to talk much." I mumble watching the girl pick at the grass.

Namjoon's eyes follow her movement and he huffs a small sigh, taking a seat beside me. I quickly gaze in his direction since it seemed like he was about to say something.

"Well...with students like that you just have to let them be. Can't force an introvert to be an extrovert or vice versa. There's a reason why they're like that; it's what they prefer."

I took in his words, but I had to agree to disagree. My heart felt that she wasn't always like this. What kind of child wants to be separated from others? I simply nodded my head anyways.

When the time neared 12:15 p.m. Namjoon blew his whistle signaling all of the kids to file inside. I smiled as my kids entered the door and headed back into my classroom. The cool air feeling nice on our warm skin. I took the kids to get a bathroom break then we got started on the next activity that we've been doing for a majority of today.

"Okay now it's time to settle down because after this, it's nap time."

"We get to nap?"

I turned towards the class, their faces full of confusion. Do they not get naps in kindergarten?

"Err yeah. Are you not supposed to have one?" I asked, grabbing a book from the shelf beside me.

They shrugged their shoulders, some even saying they never had them at school. I was shocked to be honest. I always had nap time when I was in Kindergarten. Didn't necessarily go to sleep, mostly goofed around.

"Well since I'm your teacher now there will be nap time everyday. You are still young and getting the right amount of sleep is important if you want to be healthy and well rested for snack time." I said, watching the smiles grow on their tiny faces.

"You're my favorite teacher." Alex says smiling brightly, his two front teeth missing.

Poor kid. Looks like a crackhead.

"Good now let's read and then nap. When you wake up it will be snack time!" I say holding the book and waving it around crazily. Their little eyes follow my every move.

"Yeah!" They happily yell and run over to the carpet.

I flip to the last page and pause. Some of the kids had unintentionally leaned in closer to see whether or not the book would have a happy ending or sad one. I hide my smile and try to look sad.

"Well dang-"

"Did they debut?"

"Obviously not if she looks so sad!"

I flip the cover with a grin. "They finally got their chance and debuted!"

A few sniffles occurred and some of us turned to see two girls in the back of the group crying.

"O-okay how about we take a nap now?" I suggest hopefully giving a chance for the girls to stop crying.

They nod their heads and find a random spot on the floor. I made a mental note to have each student bring in a pillow and a blanket and possibly a mat to sleep on for next time. As I made sure everyone was settled I set a timer for 2 in the afternoon and took a seat at my desk.

The end of nap time was slowly nearing when I heard someone continuously whine. I glanced around the large classroom, but couldn't see anyone moving.

"No~ NO!" She screamed.

I saw Anastasia tucked in a corner fighting the air in her sleep. I quietly go over the little girl and wake her up. She gazes at me with frightened teary eyes and pushes herself away from me.

"Shh...it's okay." I try to comfort her.

Wiping her eyes she notices some of her classmates curiously watching and she flushes under their heavy gazes. I put my body between them and her and she looks back up at me.

"You can stay here. Don't worry, you're okay now." I say with a small smile and flick on the lights.

Sleepy heads start to pop up from random spots on the floor. Some kids even volunteering to wake up their fellow sleeping classmates and gather at their respected seats.

"Okay there's some Oreo's- here Reya will you pass out two to everyone?" I hand over the box and watch as she walks over to the first table.

I had secretly grabbed two myself and went over to the hidden corner where I had left Anastasia.

"Here have a snack." I say and hold out my hand.

Her dark eyes glanced at my hand for a moment as if debating whether or not to grab the snacks or leave them. I hold out my hand for a little bit longer before she manages to swipe the Oreo's. She quietly thanks me and tears open the small package.

A small smile appears on my lips and I make my way back to my desk to enjoy some Oreo's of my own. I think I'll call today a mission accomplished.

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a/n: Just wondering did y'all get naps in Kindergarten? I did but like Luna I never slept. Instead played type on my little sleeping mat with a friend. 😂  Also God's Menu by Stray Kids is a bop...you should totally go watch it. 👉🏽👈🏽

~ xoxo lola 🤍

~ xoxo lola 🤍

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