741 31 14

crush on kim taehyung

I was in the middle of applying my makeup when a soft knock came from my bathroom door. My hand quickly moved the brush along my eyelid as I asked the person to come in. Looking away from the mirror for a moment, I smiled upon seeing Jin enter, then it faltered when I saw Taehyung follow in right behind him.

Please don't let this be awkward.

"Hi Luna." Jin warmly spoke walking in more to where I was seated in front of my mirror. "Did you need any help with anything?"

I was going to shake my head 'no' but then I remembered I still had to visit Hoseok. At this rate I was going to be late.

"Yeah I actually need-"

"I know how to do hair." Taehyung bluttered, catching me and Jin off guard.

His gaze shifted to the floor in embarrassment. I thought it was really cute so with a wave of my hand I motioned him over.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked, continuing with my makeup.

I had just finished with the glitter eyeshadow when he brought his hand to my hair. With a light tug he took it out of the scrunchie, that was holding it into a bun on top of my head.

"I think..." He mumbled, ruffling it a few times to separate the curls. "We should braid it. Since it's long enough for what I'm picturing."

His tongue moved across his bottom lip in slow motion. Or maybe it just felt that way since I was staring. I knew that, but found myself not wanting to look away.

"Luna?" Taehyung smirked watching me in the mirror gaze up at him. "You're staring."

"Am not." I dumbly argue, grabbing the blue mascara bottle and flinging it open.

He smiled and began to style my hair. Meanwhile I finished working on my face.


A few minutes later I was with Hoseok and Namjoon in the living room. I had the earpieces in, while Hoseok was speaking into his own set.

"Can you hear me?" He asked, watching me from the other side of the room.

Namjoon smacked his forehead. I really wanted to laugh but seeing Hoseok's face, I felt kind of bad.

"Hoseok maybe you should go to another room." I snorted and watched him abruptly head for the door.

"He couldn't have worked for the secret service with a brain like that..." Namjoon mumbled with an amused expression.

"Hobi is in. Can you hear me?"

I almost jumped when his velvety voice flowed through my ears. Not hesitating any longer I thought of what to say.

"...er yeah I hear you." I replied.

Just then Yoongi walked in and glanced up from the sandwich he was munching on. I catch the funny look he shoots me as he turns around and goes back into the kitchen.

"Jungkook am I really that loud of a chewer?" He asked the younger boy with a slight pout on his face.

Jungkook who was gulping down some water shook his head with a confused expression. He didn't know peanut butter jelly sandwiches made that much of a sound. Unless you toasted the bread...but from what he gathered only psychopaths did that.

Hoseok soon came back into the room and we got back to the planning. I had about half an hour till I had to meet Chungha.

"Okay so we'll be on stand by. When you get her alone call for us and then we'll take it from there." Jungkook said, cracking his knuckles.

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