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The sounds of distant chatter and regular noises of the city passed us by. Jin and I were making a trip to the market to pick up some things for dinner. Since it was my first time in Korea, Jin wanted to be the first to take me grocery shopping.

"So what's your favorite thing to eat here?" I asked, looking at the many aisles of different things to buy.

As we neared the fresh produce section Jin grabbed a clear bag and began grabbing some green onions.

"In all honesty...I'll eat anything that's edible, but if I had to choose my top three it's lobster, meat, and 냉면." He says, goofily rubbing his stomach with a grin.

I laugh at him and wonder. "What's N-naeng...myeon?" I asked as he tied the bag and placed it in the cart.

"Oh, it's uhm cold noodles!" He smiled and I followed him to the snack section.

There was a big window where the registers were located. Jin grabbed a few bags of chips and I zoned out as I saw a woman with dark sunglasses walking on the sidewalk. She had a black mask on her face, but her hair was so familiar I knew it very well.

As soon as she disappeared into a store I turned to see that Jin was occupied with reaching for something on the top shelf. Turning on my heels I booked it out of the store and down the street.

The golden themed building came up fast, carefully opening the glass door I slid in and stopped. It was a woman's clothing store. I looked around and saw her at the section with the shoes.

"Hi miss can I help you with anything?"

There on my right was a pink haired female with a bright smile on her face. Her name tag read Lisa and in her hands was a pair of sunglasses.

"Oh no I'm fine...just looking around thank you." I said with a small smile.

The clerk named Lisa nodded her head and with a little bow she turned away.

"Oh wait!" I stopped her. "There." My Hand grazed her short. "It was a piece of lint on you."

Lisa thanked me and went on her way to help another awaiting customer. The masked woman was now at the perfume section spritzing things here and there. Carefully clipping the nametag to my shirt I walked over to her and grabbed a sample perfume.

"Hello miss is there anything I can help you with?" I asked, putting on my best smile.

The blonde woman turned to me and lifted her glasses. She gave a small 'no' and turned back to the small boxes of smell goods. I had only gotten a step away when she called me back to her, I smirked before turning around again.

"Actually...I'm looking for a scent that's not too strong and has a fruity smell to it. Something that would make me feel light and airy." Her eyes shifted to mine and I nodded my head in understanding.

"I see. Then it looks like this-" I reached for a random perfume and handed it to her. "Will be perfect for you."

Spraying a little into the air she took a whiff and smiled with satisfaction.

"Ah thank you...Lisa." She smiled, putting the sampler back onto the shelf and reaching over for a boxed version of the perfume.

"You want to know something really cool about this brand of perfume?" I asked, grabbing a brightly colored sampler.

She watched me spritz the air. Her blue eyes took in the clear and glittery liquid as it rose and then quickly fell disappearing into nothing.

"It was made by a woman who was tired of men not being able to give her what she wanted." Her eyes widened a little with interest. "Zoe, the creator of this brand wanted a scent that would only attract the finest of people."

"So you're saying that this little perfume is going to do just that?" She asked, raising a brow.

I nodded my head. "Yup! Not only will it draw people to you, it's also a confidence booster...which I'm sure a fierce woman like you has a lot of." I shoot her a smile and she agrees with me.

"And what about you?" She asks messing with the box in her hands. "Are you a very confident person?"

Nope. Most definitely not.

"Always." I lied, watching her face light up.

"I like your attitude. How about we meet again for coffee at the cafe just across from here. At 11" Her perfectly manicured nails point towards the glass windows that made up the wall and showed the bustling street ahead as well as the colorful cafe.

"I'll be there." I assure and watch her pay for her purchases.

Then when she's out of sight I dash back to the supermarket where I left Jin a few minutes earlier.

"Luna! Where the hell were you?!" Jin screeched. His face was red with anger as he grabbed both of my arms and dragged me over to him and the cart full of groceries.

I winced as he tightened his hold on me. Memories of my mother pinching my ear or my dad flicking me on forehead when I was caught doing something I wasn't supposed to flashed into my mind. Didn't even have to look at him to know I was in trouble.

"You better have a good explanation as to why I couldn't find you for the past 14 mintues."

He crossed his arms over his chest and my eyes followed his foot that was now tapping the floor at a speedy pace. He really looked like a mom. Anyone who could have been just passing and seen this, would have thought I was his child and he was my parent scolding me.

The urge to cry because it's been so long since I was in trouble was really kicking my butt right now. Fighting the tears I glanced up at Jin with the sorriest look I could muster.

"I'm sorry. I had to go-"

He furrowed his eyebrows as if silently daring me to lie to him. I swallowed a gulp and continued what I wanted to say.

"Because I saw her."

His forehead creased with confusion. "Who?" Jin asked, staring down at me.

"Chungha." I casually responded.

His face dropped and before I knew it I was in his arms being squeezed to death.

"I don't care if it's an idol that you happen to be a fan of or even a snack truck that happens to catch your eye. You don't run away from me understand? This city is beautiful but not everyone is nice to foreigners. If something happens to you I'd never forgive myself. Please stay by our sides. Okay?" He whispered, resting his head on top of mine.

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