Chapter 4

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(Ruby's POV)

I was in the locker room, getting ready for my initiation that is going to start in about half in hour. I looked over and saw that blonde girl talking to the black haired girl with the bow on her head.

Yang: My name is Yang Xiao Long! What's yours?

Blake: Blake Belladonna.

She said not looking back and continued to get ready while Yang was still talking to her. I decided to ignore them and continue getting ready. I took my scythe, called Crescent Rose, and looked to see where All Might signed.

Ruby:"Today is when I get to show All Might and everyone else what I can do!"

Jaune: Today's pretty exciting, isn't it?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Jaune talking to me.

Ruby: Yeah, today is going to be pretty exciting.

Jaune: Woah! You got All Might to sign your weapon?

Ruby: Yeah, I got to meet him one day and got him to sign my Crescent Rose.

Jaune: You named your weapon?

Ruby: Yes, weapons are an extension of ourselves, so of course I named it.

Jaune: So I heard that we will be split up into teams, do you know if that's true?

Ruby: Well my mom told me that when she went here she was in a team, so I think we will have teams too.

Jaune: That's cool, maybe we should team up.

Ruby: That would be cool.

Weiss: So do you want to be on a team, Pyrrha?

Me and Jaune heard Weiss so we looked over to see who she wanted to be in a team with. I saw a girl with red hair and wear brown armor.

Ruby:"So that is Pyrrha."

Jaune: I will talk to you later Ruby, I have something I need to do.

After he said that, he walked over to them and all I did was watch. I was curious as to what was going to happen next.

Jaune: Hello there, the name is Jaune. You know there is room for team Jaune Arc if you are interested in joining.

Weiss: HA! As if I would join a team with you!

Jaune: Oh, well what about you?

He said to Pyrrha, but Weiss seemed to get mad about it.

Weiss: Please, do you even know who she is?

Jaune: Not a clue.

Weiss: She is Pyrrha Nikos! One of the most skilled huntress in-training.

Jaune: Still have no idea.

Weiss: She is on the box of Pumpkin Pete's cereal.

Jaune: That's you?!

Pyrrha: Yeah, but the cereal isn't all that good for you. I would love to be on a team with you.

Weiss: Wait, what?

Weiss looked like she was about to blow up but was interrupted be a voice coming from an intercom.

Glynda: Will all first year students please go to the cliff side of the Emerald Forest for initiation.

Ruby:"Alright, it's time."

I am ready for anything that would come my way!

(Time skip)

All Might: Alright it looks like everyone is here. Now let's get started, you bunch of newbies.

He then grabbed something from his back pocket and pulled out a piece of paper.

Everyone:"A SCRIPT?!"

All Might: Now, your mission is simple. There is a temple located north from here. There you will find relics, you need to grab one and return here in one piece. There will be Grimm, so be careful, because non of the teachers will help, so use everything you got. When you land, the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the rest of your time here at beacon so pick someone you get along with. Now, any questions?

Jaune: Yeah, how will we be getting there?

All Might: we will launch you off this cliff.

Jaune: L-launch?!

After Jaune said that, the platform we were on launched us into the air and towards the forest.

(Reader's POV)

(Y/N): Now to see what they are all capable of.

Ozpin: Now All Might, you told me that you and young Ruby talked before, correct?

(Y/N): Yeah, what about it?

Ozpin: I don't want you to be playing favorite.

I guess he is right, I only have seen Ruby in action before, and I do see a lot of potential in her. I have to make sure that I'm not playing favorite and grade her fairly.

I looked down at my scroll and saw that Ruby and Weiss paired up. Knowing Weiss, I hope that they can get along.

(Ruby's POV)

Ruby: Oh come on Weiss, we are supposed to be partners.

Weiss: No, I refuse to work with a little kid!

Ruby: HEY! I'm not that little!

Weiss: You got moved up 2 years, I don't see how you aren't little!

I continued following Weiss and we found Jaune stuck to a tree by a spear.

Jaune: Hey, a little help?

Weiss: I guess you will do after all.

She said as she grabbed me by the arm and dragged me away from Jaune.

Ruby: YAY! You do care!

Jaune: Hey wait, who is going to get me down?

(Jaune's POV)

Great! Now I'm stuck on this stupid tree, and two people who could of easily helped left me behind.

Pyrrha: Hey, is there still room in your team?

Jaune: Yes there is, and how to join is to get me down from here.

Pyrrha: Sure thing.

She raised her hand and her spear had a black glow around it and the spear flew into her hand, and I fell down to the ground face first.

Jaune: Thanks.

Pyrrha: you're welcome.

(Yang's POV)

I was looking for a partner in this stupid forest, but I couldn't find anyone. I heard something in some of the bushes in front of me and I went to see who it was.

Yang: Hey, come on out. I need a partner and trust me, I'm the best partner anyone can hope for.

But after I said that something came out of the bushes but it wasn't a person, instead it was two bear Grimm.

Yang: Oh, you aren't students.

One of them tried to attack me with its claws but I caught it with one hand.

Yang: You know my mom trained me to not hold back, not even on two weak Grimm.

I punched it in the face as hard as I can and it flew an easy 300 feet away from me. Before the second one could react, I gave it a hard uppercut sending it into the sky. I heard something coming from behind so I went to punch whatever was behind me but I stopped myself.

Blake: Wow, don't try sending me to space like you did that Grimm.

Yang: Oh hey Blake, I was looking for a partner and was wondering if you wanted to team up with me?

Blake: Sure, with someone like you, getting to the temple and back will be a walk in the park.

Yang: Alright then, let's get going!

(Chapter 4 end)

One For Roses (Male All Might Reader x Summer Rose)Where stories live. Discover now