Chapter 25

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(Readers POV)

(Y/N): Alright everyone! We need to get down to Beacon and help down there!

Ruby: And how do we do that?

(Y/N): We are going to take one of the airbuses.

As I was making sure everyone was on the airbus, I noticed a single bullhead in the air. I got a call on my scroll and I answered.

Ironwood: All Might! Someone has taken control over my machines!

I looked back at the bullhead and I nodded.

(Y/N): Don't worry Ironwood. I will take care of it.

I hanged up my scroll and turned to Summer.

(Y/N): Make sure they all get to Beacon safely.

Summer: I will!

She gave me a salute and I chuckled. I got ready to jump to that bullhead. I launched off and I headed towards the bullhead. I felt something on my back. I looked back to see Ruby holding onto me tightly.

(Y/N): Ruby! I told you to go to Beacon!

Ruby: I can't just let you do this by yourself!

I landed on the bullhead and put Ruby down.

(Y/N): Just make sure Grimm don't get on board.

Ruby: OK!

I looked around to see Neo. I guess Roman is in charge of Ironwood's machines going haywire. I rushed over to her and went for a punch. Went my fist connected, she shattered and Roman was there to shoot me. He fired a bullet at me and I blocked. I looked over to see Neo trying to attack Ruby. I ran over but Neo just shattered again. I grabbed Ruby and put her on my shoulders so she can't get attacked. I heard a loud quaking noise. I looked over to where the sound was coming from. I saw a mountain break open and saw a giant dragon Grimm flying towards us. It flew past us, it was going for the school.

Ruby: What is that thing?!

(Y/N): Something I wish I'd never see again.

I turned my attention back to Roman.

Ruby: Why are you doing this?! What do you have to gain?!

Roman: You're asking the wrong questions red. It's not what I can gain, it's what I can't afford to lose. I may be a betting man, but I know there are some bets you don't make. The people who did this are going to change the world.

(Y/N): We need to hurry Ruby.

She nodded at me as I got ready for a massive punch. I'm going to take this entire thing down. I punched the floor of the bullhead, making a huge hole in it and started to go down into the ground. I looked over to see Neo open her umbrella and Roman grabbed onto her. Both of them floating away into the Grimm infested sky.

(Y/N): Lets go Ruby, your mom is probably worried sick about you.

Ruby nodded and held onto me tightly again. I ran to the edge and jumped down to where everyone should be.

(Pyrrha's POV)

Me and everyone else was fighting Grimm, Atlas machines, and White Fang members. I looked over to see Ozpin at the entrance of Beacon and he nodded at me. I know what he wants me to do.

Nora: What is Ozpin doing?

Pyrrha: He wants me.

Ren: For what though?

Jaune: Ren, Nora! You two stay and help, I'll go with Pyrrha.

Me and Jaune started to run towards Ozpin. We entered Beacon and entered the elevator to the Fall Maiden. Once the elevator reached the floor and opened, we all started to run down the big hall.

Jaune: What is this place?

Pyrrha: It's like a fault.

Jaune: You've been here before? What would Beacon need to hide?

We kept on running. We made it to the Fall Maiden. Ozpin looked at me and nodded. He opened the other container and I got in so I can get the Fall Maiden's aura.

Ozpin: Jaune, please keep an eye out.

Jaune nodded and turned around and got into a defensive position. Ozpin looked at me.

Ozpin: Are you ready?

Pyrrha: Yes.

He started to push some buttons on the control panel and the aura transfer began. The Fall Maiden's aura started to get transferred to me and it was painful.

Jaune: Pyrrha!

I started to bare through the pain. Suddenly, an arrow went through the glass of the Fall Maiden's container and killing her. The aura transfer stopped and the Maiden power went to her. The container I was in opened and I stepped out.

Ozpin: Jaune, Pyrrha! Get out of here. I will handle Cinder.

Pyrrha: But I can help.

Ozpin: You will only get in the way.

Jaune grabbed my arm and we started to leave Ozpin to fight Cinder with the Fall Maiden power.

Ozpin: Don't think I will end up in the same condition I was at the U.S.J.

(Yang's POV)

I was killing more Grimm. I was also looking for Ruby and Blake. I saw Weiss with the rest of the group so I went to ask them.

Yang: Do you guys know where Ruby is?

Summer: She is with All Might. So she is safe.

Yang: What about Blake?

Weiss: She went into that building over there to fight off Grimm and White Fang members.

Weiss pointed to a building. I nodded and thanked her for the information. I ran towards the building and killed any Grimm in my path. I looked into a window to see Blake on the ground. Standing next to her was a man in black with red hair and wearing a Grimm mask that covered his eyes. I started to get angry.

Yang: Get away from her!

I activated my semblance and rushed over to punch him as hard as I can. He grabbed his sword and slashed at me. I was able to block the attack but it took about half of my aura.

Yang: Blake. Who is this guy?

Blake: That's Adam. He is the leader of the White Fang.

Adam: You do flatter me Blake. But flattery will get you nowhere!

Yang: This guy is insanely strong. He took half of my aura in a single strike.

Blake: That was his semblance. He takes energy from attacks into his sword and launches it in one big attack.

Yang: So it's kinda like my semblance, but he doesn't need to take damage.

I rushed over to him and punched him. He blocked and recovered quickly. He dashed to the side and went behind me. He slashed at me and I blocked. I started to shoot at him but he blocked them with his sword, which started to glow red. I went for another punch but he blocked it with his sword again, which started to glow a bright red. He pushed me back and I went for another punch. He slashed at my right arm, breaking my aura and cutting it off. I started to pass out. The last thing I saw was Blake carrying me. I then pass out from exhaustion and pain.

(Chapter 25 end)

One For Roses (Male All Might Reader x Summer Rose)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن