Chapter 10

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(Ruby's POV)

Ruby: I'm so tired. Why did they make the first years get up early?

My team, team JNPR, and team CRDL were near a bullhead. It was 7:00 am.

Weiss: It has to be something important for us to get up early.

Ozpin: Good morning everyone. You all maybe wondering why you are up early here. We will be going to the U.S.J. all day for training and All Might will be with us.

We all started to get excited that All Might will be with us. We heard a buzzing and looked over to Ozpin, who answered his scroll.

Ozpin: Hello..... what?.....No, I understand....take care.....see you in a bit. Ok class I just got word that All Might will be running late but don't worry, he will be there later.

Yang: That kind of sucks, seeing as All Might won't be there for most of it.

Blake: He is the number one huntsman, he's probably doing mission, I heard he's a busy man.

Ozpin: Alright children, get on the bullhead. We have to get going now.

We all followed Ozpin into the bullhead and when everyone was in, the door closed and the bullhead took off.

(Readers POV)

I just got done talking to Ozpin, I did too many missions in the morning and now I have to rest so I can get my energy back.

(Y/N): I hope they do well. They all have promising careers of being huntsmen.

(Time skip) (Ruby's POV)

The bullhead just landed and we got off to see a big building.

Ozpin: This is the U.S.J. They made this building shortly after All Might graduated Beacon. It's purpose is to teach students how to safe people in different situations. Now let's go in.

We all walked in and saw a bunch of different areas.

Ozpin: As you can see, you will be doing rescue missions in fire, floods, avalanches, etc.

I was getting excited, getting to train with the goal of helping others. Suddenly the lights turned of and the sun shining through the glass ceiling was the only light source. I looked at the center of the building and a red portal appeared and a bunch of people and Grimm walked out.

Jaune: I didn't know the rescue training was starting so early.

Ozpin: Children get back! This isn't a test, this is real! Those are villains.

I got out my scroll to try and call for help but I wasn't getting any signal.

Ruby: I'm not getting any signal!

Weiss: Me neither!

I watched as Ozpin grabbed his cane and jumped towards the group of Grimm.

Jaune: We have to get out of here and get help as quick as possible.

Before we could agree with Jaune, a giant man jumped up to block the entrance.

Hazel: We can't be having you leave so soon. Where's All Might?

Ruby: He's not here right now, but when he shows up, you will be defeated.

Hazel: I ask because we will kill All Might.

Yang: Kill?!

Tyrian: Oh come on Hazel! You spoiled the surprise!

I heard a man shout at all the way from the center of the building. There no way they can actually kill All Might. The man known has Hazel brought his hands up and slammed them into the ground. The force of his slam broke the floor, launching us into different parts of the building. I landed on top off a ship that was surrounded by Grimm. I looked and saw that Jaune landed next to me.

Ruby: You need to work on that landing strategy.

Jaune: Not funny. How are we going to get help? And how are we going to kill all these Grimm?

I got out Crescent Rose and started to shoot at the Grimm and was able to kill a few.

Ruby: I don't know how we are going to get help, but I think the best course of action is to get to the middle and help Ozpin.

(Ozpin's POV)

I was kill Grimm left and right, trying to get rid of them as fast as possible.

Tyrian: Hey, where is All Might? We have a little present for him.

He said pointing to that giant Grimm next to him.

Cinder: I think it's time to see what Nomu is capable of.

Tyrian: I couldn't agree more with you. Nomu, kill that old man named Ozpin!

I saw that beast run up at me to punch me but I dodged it and it's fist got stuck in the ground.

Ozpin:"What insane strength."

Tyrian: Oh, look. Seems like Nomu does have enough power to take on All Might!

The thing called Nomu tried to attack me again but I blocked its attack with my cane and jumped away to get some distance. I was about to attack but I was interrupted by more Grimm.

Ozpin:"This is bad. Nomu is clearly stronger then me and I'm surrounded by Grimm. I hope (Y/N) can get here, but who says he can win."

Before I could think of a plan, Nomu rushed at me and punched my in the gut. I flew into a wall nearby.

Ozpin:"Holy crap! He got rid of half my aura in one shoot. He does have enough strength to compete with (Y/N)'s."

Tyrian: That looked like it hurt. Are you ok?

He said with obvious sarcasm. I don't think I can stall them long enough for help to arrive, and students are here. I hope they can hold their own. They should be fine, it's only Grimm that they're fighting.

(Yang's POV)

I was inside a building with Blake and a bunch of Grimm. Me and Blake were killing as much of them as possible.

Blake: This is bad. Villains are here, Ozpin is fighting by himself, and they plan on killing All Might.

Yang: Like they can kill All Might.

I said as I punched a Grimm into a bunch more, then fired an explosive bullet, killing the entire group of Grimm.

Yang: We don't need All Might to beat those creeps anyway. We are more then enough.

Blake: I guess you're right. Trying to kill All Might is like counting the stars in the sky, just a waste of time.

Yang: So I think what we should do next is get to where Ozpin is and show those creeps that they messed with the wrong people!

(Readers POV)

I just got done finish getting my energy back and can now stay in my muscle form for an hour an a half.

(Y/N): That should be long enough for me to teach the class. I can make it to U.S.J. in about five minutes from here.

I got into my muscle form and went to go to the U.S.J. I can't help but feel like something bad is happening.

(Chapter 10 end)

One For Roses (Male All Might Reader x Summer Rose)Where stories live. Discover now