Chapter 41

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(Over 5k reads?! I would have thought I would have to write at least 50 chapters to reach that number. Enough of my rambling and onto the story.)

(Readers POV)

It's been a week since the battle at Haven. I was at my house with Summer and Ruby. All we have been doing was normal family things. We've been playing board games, eating dinner together, and watching t.v. just to name a few. I was getting a call on my scroll. I looked to see it was general Ironwood and I answered.

(Y/N): Hey Ironwood, how are you?

Ironwood: Pretty good. How is the family?

(Y/N): They are doing great, thanks for asking.

Ironwood: You're welcome, but that's not the reason I called.

(Y/N): Whats happening?

Ironwood: We believe to have found a way to destroy Salem.

I was excited to hear that news.

(Y/N): That's great.

Ironwood: Can you please come over here with Summer?

(Y/N): Sure.

Ironwood: Good. I just sent an Atlas airship to your location. Goodbye All Might.

(Y/N): Goodbye Ironwood.

I hanged up. I put my scroll away in my pocket and went to get Summer.

(Y/N): Summer!

She came out from the kitchen.

Summer: Hey (Y/N). Did you need anything?

(Y/N): Ironwood needs us. He said that he may have found a way to destroy Salem.

Summer seemed really excited about that news, more excited than me. She hugged me and I returned the hug.

Summer: What about Ruby?

(Y/N): She will be fine. We aren't going to be gone for that long.

I heard the airship coming from outside.

(Y/N): That was fast.

We started to walk out.

Summer: Ruby! Me and your father are going out! We won't be gone for too long!

Summer shouted and Ruby shouted back from her room.

Ruby: Ok!

We went outside and entered the airship. I saw that Ironwood was sitting in one of the seats.

Ironwood: Hello you two.

(Y/N): Hey Ironwood.

Me and Summer sat down across from him.

(Y/N): So, what did you figure out?

Ironwood: After a lot of research, we found out that Salem is a lot like a Grimm. So we are hoping that the silver eyes will work and will be able to turn her into stone.

Summer: So that's why you asked me to come.

Ironwood: Yes, however Salem wants to speak with All Might. We might as well as fulfill her last wish.

I started to think. Why would Salem want to talk to me? And what is it about? There are a few more questions on my mind that I hope Ironwood could answer.

(Y/N): So, what's the situation with Beacon?

Ironwood: The huntsmen we sent there have been doing a great job at clearing all the Grimm there. We should be starting construction on Beacon right after they report back.

One For Roses (Male All Might Reader x Summer Rose)Where stories live. Discover now