Chapter 40

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(Ruby's POV)

I was watching the t.v. and I was happy.

News reporter: He did it! ALL MIGHT WON!

On the t.v. All Might raised his fist into the air and he transformed into his muscle form.

News reporter: We will be finding a place to land and ask All Might about what happened.

I looked around and saw that everyone was celebrating.

Jaune: I never had a doubt.

Ren: Weren't you praying in the corner earlier?

Jaune has a nervous look on his face, but quickly gained his composure.

Jaune: Never had a doubt.

Ren just put a smile on his face. I started to smile too.

Yang: That's why you don't mess with the number one huntsman. That woman didn't stand a chance.

Weiss: All Might was probably trying to be dramatic and made her think she was going to win.

Blake: That was the Salem woman we were training for? She seemed like such a pushover.

News reporter: We have finally landed. Excuse me, All Might. May we ask you about what happened?

Everyone turned their attention to the screen. All Might turned back into his normal form. Without looking, he pointed at the camera. It looked like he was pointing at me.

(Y/N): Your turn.... it's your turn now.

I started to cry. I knew exactly what he meant. He was saying that it's my turn as the symbol of peace. My team noticed me crying and tried to comfort me.

Weiss: Ruby, what's wrong? Are you ok?

I sniffed and was able to get some words out.

Ruby: I'm fine.

I started to cry more. Weiss handed me a handkerchief and I took it, wiping my tears away.

Yang: If anything is wrong, let us know.

I was only able to nod. I continued to watch the t.v.

News reporter: We have called the nearest place to get All Might medical help and to get the villain he was fighting under custody.

(Readers POV)

I'm glad that medical help is coming, I'm starting to lose the power in my legs. I started to fall down but I felt that someone caught me.

Summer: I'm so glad you're ok!

Summer was keeping me standing.

(Y/N): No one can take down the symbol of peace.

I chuckled. I started to spit out blood. Summer was shocked and started to wipe it off my mouth.

(Y/N): I'm so glad I still have aura. I wish Jaune was here, his semblance could help out a lot.

Summer: I'm sure that Haven is getting out from lockdown, so you will see him soon.

(Y/N): What about all the Grimm in the area?

Tai: You can thank us for that.

I looked over to see Tai, Raven, and Qrow walk over to me. Qrow pulled out his flask.

Qrow: Who would think that Salem would go down like that.

Tai: I'm sure everyone is freaking out about that new finisher move of yours.

One For Roses (Male All Might Reader x Summer Rose)Where stories live. Discover now