Bonus Chapter: RWBY CHIBI

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(This bonus chapter will be about RWBY CHIBI. This is just a fun chapter.)

(Readers POV)

I was on my bed. It was getting late, but I was having trouble sleeping. I got up and poured me a glass of milk. I put it in a microwave and waited.

(Y/N): They say a warm glass of milk is suppose to help you sleep. I hope it's true.

The microwave started to beep. I opened the door and grabbed the glass. I drank it down quickly and went to my bed. I guess the milk worked, because I fell asleep quickly.

(Time skip)

I woke up in my bed. I looked around and noticed I was in my room from Beacon.

(Y/N): What the? How am I back here? I thought I was at my house.

I got out of bed and looked around. Everything seemed more colorful. I walked in my bathroom and looked in the mirror.

(Y/N): My head is huge!

I had a large head and a small body.

(Y/N): How has my neck not snapped yet? My head has to be three fourths of my entire weight.

I splashed water on my face to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Nope, I'm a bobble head.

(Y/N): This can't be so bad, right?

I walked out the bathroom and out my dorm room. I walked around and went to a kitchen area.

(Y/N): Since when was this here?

I looked over at a counter and saw Ruby. She also looked like a bobble head. She was wearing her old outfit. The one she wearing when she first went to Beacon. Did I time travel somehow?

(Y/N): Hey Ruby. What was the coolest thing that happened recently?

Ruby: The Vytal Festival ended.

If the festival ended, then why is Beacon still up? I heard some people walk in.

Yang: Hey All Might.

I looked over to see Yang, Blake, and Weiss. They had big heads and small body's too.

(Y/N): I'm not All Might, I'm mister (L/N).

Ruby: Don't worry dad. This is non-canon. This is an alternate universe. Everyone knows your All Might and my dad.

I looked at Ruby confused. What does she mean by non-canon and alternate universe?

Yang: Anyways, we came here to tell Ruby that we are going out.

Ruby: Have fun you three.

She waved at the three and they left.

(Y/N): Is there a reason why everyone is a bobble head?

Ruby: We aren't bobble heads. We are Chibi's.

(Y/N): What was in that glass of milk?

Ruby: I'm trying to make some cookies. Want to help?

(Y/N): Sure.

I walked over to the counter and pulled out a bowl. Ruby got an egg and tried to crack it. It wouldn't break, no matter how hard she hit it against the bowl. She jumped up and threw it in the bowl, breaking it.

(Y/N): Do you want to leave the egg shell?

Ruby grabbed a bag of flour and opened it. She turned it upside down, but nothing came out. She shook the bag and all the flour came out at a fast rate, engulfing me and Ruby in flour.

One For Roses (Male All Might Reader x Summer Rose)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon