Chapter 16

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(Cinder's POV)

Me, Mercury, Emerald, and Neo were in Beacon. I have to thank Neo later for her semblance so we can disguise and walk all over Beacon. We were walking around until we ran into the girl with the silver eyes and the Schnee girl.

Ruby: Oh hello. I don't think I have seen you before.

Cinder: We are visiting from Haven Academy.

Ruby: Well the dorms for people from different academies are east from here.

Cinder: Thanks, It is easy to take a wrong turn.

The four of us walked away from the girl.

Cinder: I can't believe the disguise actually worked that well.

Neo looked at me and smiled. I said my thanks and I got a call from Roman on my scroll and I answered.

Cinder: What do you want?

Roman: I need Neo. I'm about to start a meeting with the White Fang and I need Neo there just incase one of those girls try to stop me.

Cinder: Ok then.

I hanged up and put the scroll in my pocket.

Cinder: Alright Neo. Roman needs you for something. Looks like we got all the help we needed from you for now.

She nodded at me and she disappeared into thin air. She can do a lot of things with that semblance of hers.

We found our dorm and started to plan what we are going to do next.

(Readers POV)

I was walking with Summer to Ruby's dorm.

(Y/N): So why are we going to Ruby again?

Summer: We are going to give Ruby some of my cookies. You sure do forget easily, don't you?

(Y/N): Can't blame me, I'm always out protecting people from Grimm and such.

She smiled at me and we finally arrived at the dorm and Summer knocked the door.

Summer: Ruby! It's your mother! I have cookies!

We waited and no one answered the door. I was confused, I thought Ruby would open the door immediately if it was something about cookies. I opened the door to see an empty dorm, I sighed.

Summer: She left, didn't she?

(Y/N): Yeah, so did her entire team. I can't wait to see what kind of trouble she gets into this time.

Summer: She fine. She's tough, I trained her.

(Y/N): I'm still going to look for her.

I felt two arms wrap around me. I looked behind me to see Summer hugging me from behind, with a smile on her face.

Summer: Seems like that father side is kicking in.

(Y/N): She is also my student, plus her team is also gone, so I have to find them.

She let go and gave me a pat on the back.

Summer: How much energy do you have left for your muscle form?

(Y/N): I can search for about an hour. Why do you ask?

Summer: Oh, nothing.

She said that like she had something planned, but I ignored that and transformed to look for team RWBY.

(Time skip)

I was looking in the city and I noticed it was getting late.

(Y/N): I have about fifteen minutes left before I go back into my normal form. How have I been searching for forty five minutes and come up empty handed?

One For Roses (Male All Might Reader x Summer Rose)Where stories live. Discover now