Chapter 21

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(Readers POV)

It was the day of the Vytal Festival Tournament. Team RWBY is the first team to fight. I was in my muscle form and right by the arena, just incase I need to intervene. Seeing the tournament like this reminds me the first time I participated in the Vytal Festival Tournament.


I was called for the first match of the tournament. I heard professor Port over the intercom system to introduce me to the world.

Port: The first team match of the day will be an exciting one, because we have the first ever one man team. He may be going in this tournament solo, but he is far from weak. Give it up for, All Might!

I asked professor Port to call me All Might Because that is what I want the world to remember me as. I entered the arena and waited to see who would be my opponents.

Port: And for the team that will be fighting history's first one man team is, team STRQ from Beacon.

I looked ahead of me and saw Summer and her team.

Qrow: So we are up against the big man himself.

Raven: We can take him down no problem.

Tai: It's a four on one. How could we lose?

Summer: Come on team! Let's win this and win the tournament!

(Y/N): Just because we're friends, doesn't mean I'll go easy on you.

Summer: Same goes for you.

I chuckled and got into my battle position and waited for professor Port to start the match.

Port: And.... BEGIN!

I rushed over towards them to catch them off guard. I went to punch Tai but he was able to block my attack. Qrow tried to slash me with his sword by I blocked it with my other hand. Raven rushed over and slashed my leg, causing me to lose balance and Summer hit me upwards with her scythe. I was able to turn myself around midair to see Tai jumped up to me and hit my stomach.

(Y/N): That was a lucky shot.

I grabbed his arm and threw him back down into the ground to the rest of his team, which had to get out of the way to not get hit. I landed on the ground safely and saw that Tai got up. He rushed over to me and started to attack me with a barrage of punches and kicks. I was blocking all of his attacks. I noticed Qrow trying to hit me from behind, so I grabbed Tai's arm and slammed him into Qrow.

Summer: That looked like it hurt.

I heard Summer comment as I turned around to see Summer and Raven preparing to attack. Raven dashed towards me and I dashed towards her. I was about to punch her but she made a portal and I went through it. Before I could figure out were I was, Summer shot me with a ice dust infused bullet and I got stuck in some ice.

Qrow: Finally, we get a break.

I looked to see Qrow turn his sword into a scythe.

Summer: Ready Qrow?!

Qrow: As ready as I'll ever be.

Summer and Qrow rushed to me and started to spin in midair with there scythes and hit me through the ice, doing some major damage to my aura, and knocking me back to the edge of the arena.

Summer: Aren't you going to use your full power?

Qrow: Wait, he's been holding back?

I guess I don't have a choice, I do have to use my full power. I reeled my fist back, getting ready to fire at full power.

One For Roses (Male All Might Reader x Summer Rose)Where stories live. Discover now