Chapter 6

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(Blake's POV)

Weiss: Hello, who are you?

(Y/N): Hello, I'm mister (L/N) and would like to talk to Ruby about how she did in the initiation.

Weiss: Ok, hey Ruby, someone is here to talk to you.

I looked up from my book and saw a man that had (H/C)(Hair color) hair and looked like a skeleton, maybe he should eat a sandwich. I saw that Ruby left with mister (L/N) and the door closed.

Weiss: So what do you two think about Ruby being team leader?

I don't think I should answer that, it would be rude to talk about someone behind their back. But I do think Ruby has potential.

Yang: I do wish that I was team leader, but my mom told me that no matter who your leader is, you should respect them as a leader.

Blake: And besides, we haven't seen Ruby lead yet, so we can't judge her on good of a leader she is.

Weiss didn't seem happy with our answers because she was getting more mad by the second. I guess she thought me and Yang would just agree with her.

Weiss: But she is two years behind the three of us, it just doesn't make sense on how she would become leader.

Yang: She became leader and you didn't, what's your problem? Are you saying that she pulled some strings behind the scenes or something?

I don't think Yang should have said that, because I saw Weiss's face and she had a look of realization.

Weiss: Yeah, that's it!

Yang: Wait what?

Weiss: Ruby probably bribed with headmaster Ozpin for spot as team leader!

Blake: I highly doubt that's the case.

We heard the door open and Ruby walked in.

Ruby: Hi, I'm back.

Blake: If you don't mind me asking, what did mister (L/N) want to talk about?

Ruby: It was about how good I did in the initiation today. Well it's getting late, I'm going to change and go to sleep.

Well that's good for her, having a teacher tell you personally how good you did, she must be better then we all thought. She walked into the bathroom and locked the door.

Weiss: I think I know what happened.

Yang: I swear if it's about Ruby.

Weiss: Maybe Ruby's mom did sexual favors-


I saw that Yang got really mad and her eyes turned red. She walked up to Weiss and hit her on the head, knocking out the Schnee. She fell to the floor, causing a loud thud.

Yang: That's better.

I saw the bathroom door open and Ruby walked in wearing her pajamas and looked shocked to see Weiss on the floor.

Ruby: What happened?!

Yang: The princess just got really tired and couldn't make it to the bed.

Yang picked up Weiss and put her on her bed.

Ruby: Ok, well good night team. We got a big day tomorrow.

Yang: Good night.

Blake: Good night.

I turned of the lights and started to go to bed. I hope that Weiss will stop complaining about Ruby and accept the fact that she is the leader.

(The next day) (Readers POV)

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