Chapter 15

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(Readers POV)

I turned around and asked Blake to explain everything that happened. I saw that Penny was running away for some reason. I saw that blonde Faunus boy here as well.

Sun: Wow, your All Might! My name is Sun.

(Y/N): Did you help Blake, Sun?

Sun: Yeah I did.

(Y/N): Well, good job young man.

I went to check to see if anyone was hurt. Luckily no one was and I gave a sigh of relief.

(Y/N): Come on, we need to get back to Beacon.

(Time skip)

I was in team RWBY's dorm. Asking as to why all of this happened.

(Y/N): Listen Blake, I want to know why you ran from your team when they found out you are a Faunus.

Blake: You know how people treat the Faunus. I was scared that they would hate me.

(Y/N): You shouldn't be afraid of showing the real you.

Weiss: We are your team. I don't care if you were in the White Fang. I care that you held secrets from us. Promise us that you will not keep anymore secrets from us.

Blake: I promise.

(Y/N): Listen Blake. If you are every afraid of something again, just do what I do and smile through your problems.

Blake: Thanks All Might.

With all of this settled, I left their dorm and walked back to mine. I went into my normal form and opened the door to see Summer asleep on the couch. I walked up to her and picked her up, making sure not to wake her up. I put her on my bed and I went to the couch to sleep.

(Y/N):"I wonder what will happen next, but I should really be going to sleep."

(Time skip)

I woke up and checked the time on my scroll to see it's afternoon.

(Y/N): Oh crap. I slept in.

I tried to get up but I felt weight on me. I lifted the covers to see a sleeping Summer on me. I started to blush and I started to shake her gently to wake her up.

(Y/N): Summer, wake up.

Summer: Five more minutes.

(Y/N): It's the afternoon, we have to get up.

She yawned and got up and looking at me like she wants to go back to sleep for another five hours. We heard a big boom sound and that made Summer snap out of her tiredness.

Summer: What was that?

(Y/N): We should check.

We both got up and went to check on what that sound was. It sounded like it came from the cafeteria. When we walked in, we saw that the cafeteria was a destroyed mess. I saw Sun and a blue haired boy next to him and he was covered in some purple substance.

(Y/N): Looks like a food fight happened.

Summer: Are you sure it wasn't a normal fight?

I looked at one of the walls to see a bunch of colors and cracks on it. The doors to the cafeteria open and an anger Glynda walked in and she used her semblance to fix the entire mess.

Glynda: Children. Please don't play with your food.

I looked to see team RWBY and JNPR standing there but I didn't see Yang anywhere.

One For Roses (Male All Might Reader x Summer Rose)Where stories live. Discover now