Chapter 14

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(Readers POV)

Me and Summer just got back to Beacon. I wonder what she needs to talk to Ozpin about but it's her business.

(Y/N): Do you remember the way to his office?

I asked in a joking matter.

Summer: Yeah, I'm not that old.

She gave me a smug look but I just chuckled.

(Y/N): There's the elevator to his office, I'll be in my dorm if you need anything.

(Summer's POV)

He waved and walked away. I'm not sure if he didn't tell me where his dorm was on purpose. He probably just forgot. I entered the elevator and went to the floor where Ozpin's office is.

Ozpin: Summer Rose, what a nice surprise.

He said as he held a mug in his hand and his other hand was in a cast.

Summer: Hi Ozpin, I came here to ask you something.

Ozpin: Anything for you, what is it that you need?

Summer: My house was destroyed in a Grimm attack that I stopped and now I need a place to live.

He seemed to think about a solution for my home problem. He than reached in his desk and pulled out a key.

Ozpin: Here take this key. This is a key to a dorm where you can stay at as long as you want.

Summer: Thank you Ozpin!

I took the key and went to the dorm number the key had attached to it.

(Readers POV)

I was in my dorm just chilling on the couch and watching t.v. I heard my door unlock and looked over to see Summer at the door.

(Y/N): How did you get a key to my dorm?

Summer: Ozpin gave me this key and said I could live in this dorm.

(Y/N): Wait, why do you need to live in a dorm?

Summer: I may or may not of lost my house in a Grimm attack.

She looked away from me, blushing in embarrassment, and rubbing the back of her head.

Summer: Looks like we are living together again!

She rushed over and hugged me again. I was blushing a little but I returned the hug. I think Ozpin chose my dorm on purpose, but I guess I can't complain.

(Y/N): So what do you want to do?

Summer: Maybe watch a movie?

(Y/N): Ok, I'll let you choose.

(Time skip)

Me and Summer are on the couch watching a movie. We are snuggled up underneath a blanket with some popcorn.

Summer: I missed when we could do stuff like this.

(Y/N): Yeah, so do I.

Summer: So anything interesting happening soon?

(Y/N): Well the school is have a dance soon.

Summer: Really?

(Y/N): Yeah, Ozpin said that it would help get people's mind off of what happened at the U.S.J.

Summer: Do you think Ruby is going to bring someone? Maybe she has a boyfriend!

Summer seems really enthusiastic about ruby having a boyfriend.

One For Roses (Male All Might Reader x Summer Rose)Where stories live. Discover now