Chapter 37

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(Summer's POV)

I watched the fight concluded and I ran over and caught Ruby. She got knocked out from use One For All. It doesn't look like she is hurt too much. I sighed in relief. I looked over to see Weiss, Blake, and Yang helping up (Y/N). I have a few words for him. I picked up Ruby and everyone started to walk to back to the inn in the town. Because of the White Fang situation earlier, the people gave us really great rooms in the inn to say thanks. Me, Ruby, and (Y/N) shared a room. I put the sleeping Ruby on one of the beds.

(Y/N): Man, they putted up a fight, didn't they?

Instead of responding to him, I turned around and slapped him in the face.

(Y/N): Ow! What was that for?

He covered the cheek I slapped him and I slapped his other cheek.

(Y/N): Ow! Stop.

Summer: You really don't think sometimes! Do you?!

(Y/N): Why are you mad?

Summer: Why?! Did you see what happened to Ruby?! She keeps wanting to impress you and she keeps pushing herself! One day, she will get herself killed!

All (Y/N) did was sigh.

(Y/N): Would you rather have Ruby get hurt by training or not get hurt and getting killed by someone?

Summer: You know what my answer is!

I don't want Ruby to die, but (Y/N) is going at this all wrong. I started to calm down a little.

Summer: I'm just saying that she can just have normal training that doesn't require her hurting herself.

(Y/N) just looked away.

(Y/N): I'm having this feeling that we don't have time.

Summer: What do you mean?

(Y/N): I can't explain it, but I have a feeling that Salem is closer then we think. We don't have time to have normal training.

I sighed and I hugged (Y/N) from behind.

Summer: I'm just worried for her and you. It's been forever since we could just be together and I don't want you to go away again. If your feeling is right then I will fight with you.

I hugged him tighter, like if I let go he would go away. He turned around and hugged me back.

(Y/N): I'm glad that you would fight with me and that you are worried for your family, but no matter what I'm going to beat Salem by myself.

She looked up to him and he gave me a smile.

(Y/N): Plus, I got to get her back for a certain injury.

I giggled at what he said. I gave him a kiss on the lips and he started to blush as red as Ruby's cape. I started to laugh and he looked away.

Summer: You're so cute sometimes.

(Y/N): I'm not that cute.

Summer: You're right. You are adorable.

He started to blush more and I decided to stop teasing him. I let go of him and he letted go of me.

Summer: You should get some rest. I'm pretty sure that punch Ruby gave you still stings a little. Plus it's getting a bit late.

He just gave me a chuckle. He rubbed the back of his neck.

(Y/N): Yeah, a little. Doesn't help that you slapped me though.

I kissed him on his cheek.

Summer: Feel better?

He started blushing again and started to mumble as he went to a bed, one next to the bed Ruby was sleeping on,and laid down. I laughed a little and I checked the map to see how much longer we have til we get to Haven. I noticed that Haven wasn't to far from here. I sighed. If (Y/N)'s feeling is right, then we need to be ready for anything. I just sighed and putted the map away. It was getting late and I laid down next to (Y/N). He was already asleep, but he put his arm around me and pulled my closer. I blushed a little and I snuggled closer to him. I started to fall asleep and I let myself fall into dream land.

(Time skip)(Readers POV)

I woke up to see I was snuggling with Summer. I started to blush and I got up with out waking her up. I stretched and heard some satisfying pops. I looked over to see Ruby wasn't in her bed. I looked at the time to see it was only six in the morning. I was confused as to why Ruby would be up this early. I went out of the room and looked around the hall, seeing no one. I went outside to see a small trail of rose petals heading towards the forest. I followed them and I saw Ruby. I saw that she was channeling One For All through her body. The red sparks were coming out of her body. I could see her aura and it wasn't holding up well. She stopped using One For All and she fell to one knee.

Ruby: Come on Ruby. All Might gave you his power and I'm going to show him that he didn't choose bad.

She got up and started using One For All again but her aura shattered. She fell on both knees and started to... cry.

Ruby: Come on Ruby! You've been trying for hours now and you still can't use One For All without breaking your aura! Maybe All Might did choose wrong!

She slammed her fists on the ground and started to cry more. I slowly walked up and I putted my hand on her shoulder. She jumped up slightly from the unexpected contact and she turned her head to look at me.

Ruby: How long have you been here?

I sat down next to her.

(Y/N): I heard the part of self doubting.

Ruby started to cry more.

Ruby: I'm right, aren't I? You wish that you could choose someone else, huh?

I shook my head in a no motion and I wiped her tears away.

(Y/N): You got to stop knocking yourself down. Just because you can't quite use One For All yet, doesn't make you failure or anything. You still have a long way to go, you are still a kid. I don't regret my choice. I'm glad that I chose you.

Ruby started to cry more, she hugged me, and started to cry into my shirt. I rubbed her back to calm her down. It seemed like she was crying from tears of happiness.

Ruby: Thanks All Might.

She said under her breath, but I was able to hear her.

(Y/N): You're welcome Ruby. Now come on, we should be getting ready to leave soon.

She nodded and we both got up.

(Y/N): You feeling better?

Ruby: Absolutely All Might.

She gave a big smile. We started to walk back to the inn so we can pack up and get ready to continue on our adventure.

(Chapter 37 end)

One For Roses (Male All Might Reader x Summer Rose)Where stories live. Discover now