Chapter 17

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(Mercury's POV)

Me and Emerald were in combat class watching Pyrrha beat down on team CRDL with no difficulty. She delivered the final blow to Cardin and she was declared the victor.

All Might: And that's the match. Good job Pyrrha. In time, you'd have little problem surpassing me.

Pyrrha: Thank you, All Might.

All Might: Looks like we have time for one more match. Blake. You seem docile lately. Why don't you-

Mercury: I do it.

All Might: Let's see here, you are Midnight, right?

Mercury: Yes.

Why did I let Emerald choose my undercover name.

All Might: Alright let's find you a sparring partner.

Mercury: Actually I want to fight...

I put my hand on my chin and looked around the room and pointed at Pyrrha.

Mercury: Her.

All Might: Pyrrha Nikos has already had a match. I think you should choose-

Pyrrha: No. Its fine. I would be happy to fight you.

I got my weapons, shin guards that also shoot, and walked down into the arena to fight Pyrrha.

All Might: Now... Begin!

I jumped towards Pyrrha and went for a kick but she blocked my kick with her shield. She tried to hit me with her spear, I jumped back to avoid the attack. I shot some bullets at Pyrrha and she blocked them. I rushed towards her and kicked her, disarming her from her weapon so she only has her shield. I went to kick her but she used her semblance to move my leg, causing me to miss her.

Mercury:"So that's how she uses her semblance. I think I got everything I need to know."

She grabbed her spear from the ground and rushed towards me.

Mercury: I forfeit.

Pyrrha was about to attack but stopped herself.

Pyrrha: Are you even going to try?

Mercury: You're a well respected fighter. We are clearly leagues apart.

All Might: Well ok then. Pyrrha is the winner again. Midnight, I would recommend choosing an opponent you are on a closer level.

Mercury: I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the advice All Might.

I heard the bell and started to walk away.

(Readers POV)

(Y/N): Well that's the end of class. The dance is this weekend and your first mission is on Monday, so be ready on Monday.

Finally, class is over. I feel like I'm about to go back into my normal form at anytime. I rushed over to my dorm and transformed back into my normal form.

Summer: Hey (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hey Summer.

Summer: Did you hear that Ruby and her team are preparing the dance?

(Y/N): Yeah, team CFVY was supposed to do it, but their mission is lasting longer then expected. So I gave team RWBY the pleasure of preparing the dance.

Summer: Well I can't wait to see what they do. I also got this dress for Ruby!

She reached for a bag and pulled out a red dress and some black high heels.

Summer: What do you think?

(Y/N): I think she'll like it, but not the high heels.

Summer: She'll just have to get use to it. She'll definitely have all the guys swoon over her. Hope you don't turn into an over protective father.

(Y/N): Looks like we'll have to see.

We both shared a laugh. I didn't realize how much I'd missed Summer until now.

(Time skip)

It was the day of the dance. Summer wanted me to bring Ruby to the dance. I was outside her dorm, waiting for her to change. She was taking really long that her teammates are already at the dance.

(Y/N): Come Ruby, are you almost done?

Ruby: All Might, I'm done but, do I have to wear these stupid high heels?

(Y/N): Well your mother said you have to wear it or we're both going to get it.

Ruby: Ok!

I heard the door open and saw Ruby in the red dress Summer got her.

(Y/N): How is it?

Ruby: It's really hard to walk in theses.

(Y/N): Do you need help?

Ruby: Can you transform into you muscle form and have me ride on your back?

(Y/N): If I did transform, I would rip up the tuxedo I'm wearing.

Ruby looked down and sighed, probably disappointed that she has to walk in high heels.

(Y/N): Come on Ruby. Let's go.

We started to walk to where to dance was being held, Ruby tripping almost all the way there. We entered the room and saw Yang with a list.

Yang: Hello Mister (L/N) and Ruby.

I looked around and was amazed at how the dance turned out.

(Y/N): Wow. You guys did a great job.

Yang: Thanks. Now you two go and enjoy the dance.

(Y/N): Good luck Ruby.

I was walking to the punch bowl because I didn't really want to dance. I grabbed a cup and poured myself a drink. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around and saw Summer in a grey dress and I dropped my cup.

(Y/N): Woah, you look gorgeous tonight.

She started to blush from my compliment.

Summer: Thanks. You look handsome tonight.

I started to blush too, I heard the upbeat music slow down and turned into a soft melody. I held out my hand to her.

(Y/N): May I have this dance?

She looked at me with sparkles in her eyes and she took my hand.

Summer: You may.

I brought her out to the dance floor and I put my left hand on her hip and she put her right hand on my shoulder. We held each other's remaining hand and intertwined our fingers. We started to sway back an forth to the rhythm of the sound.

Summer: Doesn't this bring back memories?

(Y/N): Yeah, it does bring back some pretty good memories.

Summer: Life has been pretty boring since you left that day.

(Y/N): Really? Nothing exciting happened at all?

Summer: Other then killing a few Grimm here and there. Do you still have the ring?

(Y/N): Of course I do. I made a promise and I intend to keep that promise.

She looked like she was about to cry but kept it in.

Summer: You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear that.

We both started to lean in for a kiss but I felt like I was about to spit up blood so I quickly grabbed my handkerchief and spat up some blood on it.

(Y/N): That ruined the moment, didn't it?

She just giggled and reassured to me that it was fine.

Summer: I know your condition. You can't control when that stuff is going to happen.

We both just started to laugh and enjoyed the rest of the dance.

(Chapter 17 end)

One For Roses (Male All Might Reader x Summer Rose)Where stories live. Discover now