Chapter 44. "I want to apologize to you."

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@AmyJ Bitch!

@AmyJ Fuck off!

@AmyJ stay away from Nick, he's ours!

@AmyJ I hate you! You're destroying my life!

@AmyJ Ugly!

@AmyJ Fat!

@AmyJ Go kill yourself, bitch!

@AmyJ Nobody likes you!

@AmyJYou don't deserve Nick!

@AmyJYou just want his money anyway!

@AmyJ He don't love you anyway!

@AmyJ You're just a fast number too!

@AmyJ Whatever Nick sees in you... I don't see it. Beat it!

@AmyJ Even Taylor Swift is better than you!

@AmyJ Nick is US! Keep your hands off him!

And so it went on. There were hundreds of comments like that, and they were only the nicest. For three days there had been rumours about Nick having a new girlfriend, and yesterday he had lost the "yes" after the paparazzi had chased him all the way.

I hadn't seen, written or talked to Amy since then - my voice was working almost frictionless again. But I knew she was in a bad way, because she took every single comment to heart. And I knew that she would eat less for every "fat", because that was just the way she was.

Although I was still angry with her, very much so, I was still her best friend and it was my job to jump over my shadow and get my ass to her apartment to comfort her and give her strength.

I knew how hurtful these comments could be. However, unlike her, I had received some nice ones, especially since I had once answered all of them. Some of them had apologized, others had written to me and told me how very happy they had been that I had answered them. With some fans I had even chatted, at least briefly. There were always people who asked me how I was doing, and I found that extremely sweet.

It would surely take time until the fans accepted Annie, but I was sure that they would do it sometime. The boys were angry with Nick as well, but with them, things had started to happen quickly, which Manuel had not been entirely innocent of. After all, he too had his moments and he had told the boys that they were brothers and that such a thing was simply ridiculous.

When he was right he was right, but for me it was a breach of trust that could not be justified by a simple apology.  Nevertheless, I was now standing in front of the door of their apartment and waiting for someone to open up.

It was her mother. "Oh Soph, I'm so glad to see you here," she sighed and invited me in. "I just don't know what to do. Amy's holed up in her room and she's on Twitter the whole time. And she cries."  I put one hand on her shoulder. "I'll do what I can, Mrs Johnson," I smiled and went to Amy's room door. I could already hear her crying from outside.

I knocked and the sobbing stopped.  "I'm coming," she squawked and her voice was broken from all the crying. Clumsy steps sounded and the key was turned in the lock. The door was already opened and a pile of misery looked at me with big red swollen eyes. "Soph?" she sobbed and fell around my neck.

Immediately I pressed her against me. Normally we were the same size but her posture was so crooked that she was almost ten centimeters smaller than me.

And so we stood there. She cried while I stroked her back and tried to calm her down. "Why can't they accept that I love him?"she asked me and I had asked myself the same thing. "I don't know," I replied truthfully. "I have no idea."   "But they say I'm fat and ugly for a reason," she whispered and I sighed.

And it all started with this meet & greet - Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now