Chapter 51: "Girls, this is it."

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Before I actually realized what Ben had just told me. I didn't move, partially forgot to breathe. "Are you okay?" Ondreaz's voice finally knocked me out of my chair, and I caught his worried look. "She's woken up," I explained quietly. 

"Amy has come out of her coma." He looked as amazed as I did. He immediately took me by the hand and stormed out of the apartment with me, straight into the parking garage where I handed him my car keys. 

 I dictated him the way to the hospital, where Amy had been lying for the last eight weeks without having moved even a millimeter. It was a miracle she hadn't died anyway. Thanks to the train driver, who had realised in time what her intentions had been. He had braked early and the force of the impact had been considerably reduced. 

 And although she was still alive, the pictures haunted me every night, I didn't sleep much anymore. When I woke up, after I had become unconscious, and remembered what had happened, I cried out for Amy again, at least I tried. Since my voice, as after the dream, had been unusable.

 The shock was still deep. As her best friend I naturally blamed myself for part of it. If only I had noticed how bad she was actually feeling. Maybe it never would have come to this. Probably wouldn't have. 

 Since then I was with her every second day, because either family or friends were allowed to come every day and her parents wanted to see her as well. I told her about the things she missed and that I was sorry. I told her about diagnoses and called Nick, put my mobile phone next to her and let him talk to her too. 

 He had actually wanted to fly here after I told him on the phone about her suicide attempt, but nothing had reached the media yet and that was how I wanted it to stay. So he would wait until things would get better again, even if it was not clear until now whether she would wake up at all. 

 The last months had been a torture. I dragged myself to work and to university, tried to dampen the pain by studying, went to bed early. I did not speak much, smiles were rarely seen. The rest of the gang was not much better. But I was even more down than all of them, after all I had watched it happen. 

 Bono had given me two weeks off after that and would have extended the time, but working was quite a good distraction besides studying, and I didn't want to be so dependent on my parents. 

 I communicated with them again, with my father, to be precise. Only by letters, but that was the only acceptable way for me so far. 

 "We're here," Ondre whispered and unbuckled. As if hypnotized, I also loosened my belt, which dragged over my upper body and then got caught on the roof of the car. My fiancé opened my door and I got out with thanks.

 The rest of the way I sprinted. The nurses and receptionists all knew me already. "I'd like to visit Amabella Johnson," I produced between several deep breaths. "Her family and other friends are already waiting upstairs, when the doctor is outside, one may go in, nothing more," she explained, pointing to the heavy glass door leading to the corridors with the rooms. 

 So she was still in the intensive care unit, on the ground floor, but at the very back, where in an emergency, like a fire, ambulances can get to the intensive care patients fastest, to take them through the back door to another hospital. 

 In front of room 28 were already all my friends and Amy's parents. Just in this moment the doctor came out. I was given a stormy hug by everyone. The engagement was now at the back. 

 "Soph you can go," said Mrs Johnson. Soon I would be Mrs.... "No, you can't. It's your daughter, you take precedence." I said immediately, but she shook her head in tears.

And it all started with this meet & greet - Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now