Chapter 56: ". "Typical Soph..."

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Countdown 1. - The girls

"Okay, seriously. I want to know where we're going," I grumbled nervously while the three of them were still mysteriously silent.

"No, Soph, it's supposed to be a surprise," said Jess and I got tired of surprises. The weather today was pretty shitty, typical for April. The sun had a hard time getting through the thick cloud cover, which always brought snow from the sky.

"What kind of bachelorette party is this supposed to be if you can't even get drunk? Honestly, this is super unnecessary," I snorted.

"Can't you just be happy being a mom for once?" Kouvr was getting mad at me. She wanted to have kids too and thought it was a pity I was so averse to them all the time.

"Yes, I do. No, I don't think... ...I don't know. It's just not me, Kouvr. I'm not a mother. I'm some stupid 20-year-old who skates around her apartment playing video games. Who hears metal so loud, you can hear it several floors down. Who makes stupid bets and races cars on the freeway. And who orders food every night because of a lack of cooking skills. I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a mother."

Now we stopped. "Now listen to me. Some of this may be true, but you're also the one who's in law school now in her senior year. Who always manages to make you laugh. Who's always there for you and has a solution for just about every problem. Who wrote her boyfriend a song for his birthday. Who loves her friends so much. Who loves her brother so much. Who is always optimistic and who never gives up hope. If anyone can do it, you can."

Without looking at me again, she went on and I felt pretty crappy. "Kouvr!" She didn't stop, so I ran after her. To make her stop, I hugged her. "I'm sorry. You're right."

She sighed and said, "I'm sorry. "

"Come on, you two. Let's go."  So we walked on and quickened our pace. We stopped in front of a huge baby market. "That's a different way to shop," I laughed as I looked at the little child with flaming red cheeks glued to the wall.

"I don't know what it will be," I said as we stepped into the warmth.

The clothes I saw were just incredibly cute. "So what?" Jess shrugged. "Your kid's not gonna be wearing any gender-specific clothes," Niki sighed with a shake of her head and I nodded. "When you're right, you're right."

We walked through the aisles and more and more clothes were going into our shopping cart. I hadn't known until then that there were also cool clothes for such small children and not just those ugly baby pink - or blue - rompers that looked better when they were properly puked on.

For the first few months we mainly bought simple things. For the time when my child - how strange it sounded - would learn to walk and then grow less and less, we chose rather special things.

For example a grey denim jacket, which looked quite similar to one Ondreaz had, or a Batman shirt. There were also these original black and white vans to slip into and I just couldn't walk past them, just like the fluffy bearonzie.

The girls also bought a few things they didn't want to show me.  When we were done with the clothes we went to the toys. The first thing I put in the car was a skateboard. After all, I didn't want to give up driving and I would definitely teach my child to ride it.

"Ew, that's totally gross," I whined as I flipped through a book that described different ways to give birth. I had read a bit too much about water birth, so I closed the book - which was very thick for being about this subject - and put it back on the shelf.

"What colour do you want to paint the child room in?" Jess asked and pointed to the paint pots in pink and blue.

"She doesn't know what it will be yet," said Kouvr and shook her head.

"I don't even know if there will be a nursery. Because I have no idea if Ondreaz and I can even move in together, I mean they go again on tour. Besides, we've already established that all this gender-based stuff is unnecessary when I'm the mother of the child."

So we skipped the paint and moved on to the furniture. "I can't do this all without Ondre. He doesn't even know he's going to be a dad, so at least I want him around for a few things."

We went to the cash register and paid for all the stuff and Niki, Kouvr and Jess insisted that I got back in the car so they could pay for the stuff they had bought without me seeing anything.

At the TikTok today we danced through the snow and laughed into the camera. Underneath I wrote: Countdown 1.

Be curious :D Already since the first video there was a lot of discussion, both in the comments and on Twitter, what this countdown probably meant. From the fact that I wanted to commit suicide to the announcement of our separation, everything was there. Including the fact that we were getting married.

"Do you know what you want to call it yet?" Niki asked and I shook my head. "I honestly have no idea. And I haven't really thought about it, because I haven't known that long. But I've been thinking that it should start with a K."

Jess made a face. "Why K?"   And I laughed. "Well, or W. It's easy to explain. Ondreaz and Soph. K,l m n O, p q r S. Or just O, p q r S, t u v W"

"Oh, you mean that it's alphabetical?" I nodded my head to confirm. "And what do you have in mind?" Kouvr asked, and I shrugged.

"I don't know, maybe Ondre doesn't like the idea. Oh god, I don't even know how to tell him that. I think I should be more concerned about that than about needing another name. I can even squeeze it out at birth if I have to."

Jess shook her head violently. "No, no, no. Absolutely not. It's got to be carefully thought out. You're not gonna give your kid a fucking first name like I got one. Jessamyn. I mean... Hello? My mother had no idea back then what she had done with it. And I'm punished with the middle name Oceanía. No. Your kid's gonna get a cool name."

Her eyes were wide open and her nostrils flared. "Easy, redhead, it's okay. I'll think of something. "But it's definitely gonna get a middle name. When I'm angry I can always pronounce the full name and it all sounds much more dramatic," I winked and grinned into the group.

"Typical Soph..."

"You're going to bed early tonight. At least you'll look beautiful when you appear before Ondre tomorrow."

Tomorrow I would be a married woman.

And it all started with this meet & greet - Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now