Chapter 1: Home

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Music: Daughtry - Home


Due to the guidelines of wattpad, some images have been removed 🙄 so if you have read this before and notice a difference, that's why.

All major and important deaths of the club members or close persons has NOT happened... except Donna's because to be honest, I never liked her anyway. Will it happen in this story? I don't know. I guess we will find out together. :)

This story is basically an alternate universe (AU) and will NOT be taking place in the same congruent progressions as the TV series, in fact most of what happens in the show probably will not take place in this story, but IF it does, it will be however I see fit and not match up with the TV show's timeline. Why? Well because I can.


I will introduce Chibs with his Scottish accent, and I had originally had his text translated for easier reading, but I can't be arsed to continue as it takes so much time and effort, so his text will be just like everyone else's, you'll just have to hear his accent in your own mind. 😁

Seven years

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Seven years.

Seven.          Fucking.          Years.

She hadn't seen her half-brother in seven years and she missed him. He was her only living relative left, but she needed to find her own way in life away from him and what he was.

She left him back when he was still in Tacoma for "club business" and to be honest, a lot of the things in her life weren't going the best of ways at that time. So she decided to split and see the actual world and get away from the one that destroyed her small world. When her father died and left her a hell of a lot of money, it made her travel a whole lot easier.

She knew that her brother was a Californian native, and while she wasn't, (she was born and raised in Tacoma and Redmond) now she considered anywhere her brother was, to be home since he was all she had left, and it was time to come home.

So she headed for California though she didn't quite know where, so when she finally decided it was time to see her brother, she headed up to see the Tacoma SOA charter's president, Lee, since that was the last place she had known her brother to be at. She just hoped he wasn't dead yet.

Lee told her that her brother was located in Charming California, the home of the SOA mother charter. He also told her to locate the clubhouse next to a mechanic shop called Teller-Morrow. So that's where she was headed to now.

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