Chapter 9: Brotherly Love

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Music: Avicii - Hey Brother

Once Kitty had gathered and calmed herself from the confrontation with Happy, she continued to unpack all her new things and began to make this house a home.

She finished and it was early evening, she started to get things out to make for dinner when she got a text. She looked at it and realized she had missed several from Juice.

Juice: {Hey, just a forewarning, the guys made me give them your address when I got back to the clubhouse...}

Juice: {I was also made to give up my phone so they could have your number so don't be surprised if you start getting calls/messages or visits.}

Juice: {I'm sorry, are you mad? Am I in trouble now?}

Juice: {You are mad, it's why you aren't talking to me, isn't it?}

Juice: {I am REALLY sorry Kitty! I wouldn't have done it if I didn't have a choice!}

Juice: {Please talk to me. ☹️}

Kitty sighed and shook her head. She wasn't upset at him, she knew it was going to happen. She shot off a text to reassure him.

Kitty: {Hey Juicy fruit, sorry I was busy unpacking all the stuff I bought today and setting everything up so my house didn't look like a loner lived here LOL.}

Kitty: {You aren't in trouble Juice, I knew it would happen, I'm not mad at you. So stop worrying or you'll get wrinkles all over that cute face of yours, ok? }

It was literally seconds when she got a text back.

Juice: {Sweet! Yeah, I thought you were pissed! So what'cha doing right now? 😉}

She chuckled to herself and replied while continuing to search her pantry.

Kitty: {I'm just getting things ready to make dinner... oh, someone's knocking at the door... did you show up again? Lol}

She heard the knock mid text and started to walk towards her door when a text came through.

Juice: {No, I'm stuck here at the clubhouse tonight. Please be careful Kitty, and tell me who it is.}

Now she was confused. As she neared the door she grabbed the gun and held it behind her as she looked through the peephole. She rolled her eyes and rubbed her temple, "Really? Are they ALL going to start showing up now?"

She put the gun away the pulled open the door and stood there, hip popped out and a hand on it, "I am so getting an attack dog... and what can I do for you, oh dear brother of mine?" She said the first part to herself but not quietly then the second to Tig.

 and what can I do for you, oh dear brother of mine?" She said the first part to herself but not quietly then the second to Tig

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