Part 16

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Kairis Pov:

I have feelings for Y/n too. How do i tell her? Before I give myself anymore time to think I walk back upstairs in fear they might catch me any second. I walk into my bedroom and sit back next to Mattia. I think about how I should tell Y/n I have feelings too. I was spying on you and Aliz in my kitchen and I heard you have feelings for me so I wanted to let you know that I felt the same way? No way. I'll facetime her once she leaves my house. Aliz and Y/n walk through my bedroom door smiling and sit in the corner of my room again.

Back to third person:

"You two wanna tell me what the gossip session was about?" Hector said frownning at the smiling girls in front of him as he was lying on the floor.

"No but do you two wanna talk about how you actually have feelings for each other but are too scared to talk to each other for real?" Y/n said making the pair blush and put they're heads down.

"Ok lets get going?" Hector said getting up off of the floor and putting his phone in the back pocket of his jeans.

"Ok" Y/n and Aliz said. They looked at Pule who was too busy cuddling up to Alejandro and giggling.

"Pule! Hey! We're going." Aliz said waving at Pule making her blush.

"Bye Ale, I'll call you later" Pule said before getting out of Kairi's bean bag and removing her self from Ales arms. Kairi went up to Y/n and hugged her catching her off guard.

"I'll facetime you when you get home" Kairi said moving out of Y/ns arms and smiling her.

"Yeah, ok" Y/n said smiling back. 

"Bye everyone" Mattia said as everyone was leaving.

"Cya" Everyone replied. As they walked from Kairis house to Hectors car Aliz whispered to Y/n.

"Can you please sit in the front im not really comfortable next to him after you exposed us" Y/n laughed and said of course. Y/n walked to the passenger seat and sat next to Hector. Hector frowned and looked back at Aliz who was too nervous to make eye contact. He turned on his playlist and one of they're favourites came on. Hector and Y/n looked at each other and smirked.

"I dont wanna fall in love noooo. love cuts just like a knife woooo" they all sang. Hector took Y/n home first seeing as she literally only lived 2 doors down. She waited for the song to finish and then she got out. She thanked Hector for the ride and he laughed at her.

"Bye loser" Hector said before driving off. Y/n walked to her front door and unlocked it. She walked in and took her shoes off. She looked at herself in the mirror that she had in the hallway and sighed. She walked into the living room and saw her mom sitting on the sofa.

"Hey hun, how was your day?" Y/m said looking from the tv to Y/n.

"Eh, it was ok i guess what about yours?" Y/n said whilst grabbing the cushion from the sofa and sitting where the cushion was. 

"It was good thanks" Y/m said before looking back at the tv.

"Ok well im probably going to take a shower and then go to sleep" Y/n said getting up from the sofa.

"Ok well in that case gn" Y/m said smiling at Y/n.

"Gn" Y/n said smiling back at her mother. Y/n walked up the stairs and into her bedroom. She put her bag down and got some clothes. She took the clothes into the bathroom. She took a shower and zoned out looking at the steam around her from the hot water hitting her skin. She was thinking about Kairi and about her days events. She sighed before turning the shower off and getting out. She got her towel and dried her body, then she got into her shorts and top. She exited the bathroom and went straight into her bed. She was so tired from everything that happened today. She closed her eyes and just thought when she heard her ringtone she turned over to look at her phone beside her and she read the name and smiled.

Incoming facetime from Kaiii <3

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{Word count 705}

A/n: I put Ariana and Tyler at the top because they're literally my favourite people ever. Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah <3

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now