Rini Imagine: Jealousy, and Beast mode (My take on season two)🌹🤯

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Author's Note: This was requested by @yeetingunicorn This is my take on season two. I am a Rini shipper all the way. I hope you enjoy! Sorry if its a bit long. Pretend corona doesn't exist in this story. This is just a scene from one of my ideas.

January 29th, 2020

It was the end of winter break, Nini decided to accept YAC's offer and moved to Denver a few weeks before the spring term started at East High. Ricky spent every day of winter break making memories with his girlfriend, Nini. He rode with her to the airport. The couple parted there ways when she got to security, Ricky had sunglasses on to hide his tears. The couple started the beginning of their long-distance relationship by having daily facetime calls after homework and updating each other on their school days.

A few weeks later, Ricky auditioned for the spring musical, Beauty and the Beast, a promise he made with Nini over winter break. When Miss Jenn posted the cast list that same day, Ricky was surprised to see that he got the lead role as Beast. He was so excited to tell Nini during their nightly facetime call and rushed home after school to finish his homework. After some tough calculus equations, he pressed the call button on Nini's contact. She usually picked up on the second ring. Ricky waited until, it went to her usual "This is Nini, Talk to me me" voicemail message. No response. Weird.

Meanwhile, Nini had gotten coffee at YAC's café and had bumped into one of her classmate's. The tall blonde-haired boy who she knew from her Music Theory class stopped to ask her a question about the homework. After she helped him with the homework, the two hit off into a deep conversation and he invited her to his concert in the recital hall.

(This is what I imagine he looks like.)


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*The Next Day in East High's Cafeteria*

Ricky's POV:

"Big Red, love is hopeless, and non-existent." I groaned as I put my head on the lunch table staring at Gina cuddling E.J at another table.

"Why? What did you do to Nini now?" Big Red replied eating his lunch.

"It's not always my fault. Why does everyone think I did something wrong? Ugh. No, it's not that. Nini didn't pick up on our daily facetime call last night." I replied picking up my head off the table.

"Woah someone's in beast jealousy mode again. Don't worry. She probably fell asleep early or got caught up with homework. She takes YAC pretty seriously." Big Red said patting my shoulder.

"She didn't even reply to my text this morning. What if she's cheating on me? What if the guys better than me? What if she forgot about me?"

"You're overreacting. I'm sure she will text you today and facetime you tonight. Are you going to eat you're sandwich?" Big Red said to me while staring at Ashlyn sitting at another table.

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