his voice (2)

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(smh this is too long.)

"that was amazing you muffin!" darryl blurted out

"b-bad?!" skeppy said in shock of darryl's appearance.

"how long have you been listening?!" skeppy asks him worriedly.

"from the start.." bad spoke causing him worry.

"w-what?!" zak blurted out in shock

darryl gets closer to him, he sat with zak on the bed

"i really liked the song, who sang it? I'll search it on my phone." darryl asking him,

he took out his phone and waiting zak to answer.

"i..wrote it.." zak said making darryl suprised

"woah, you made that?? that was really good you potato!" darryl said being really happy.

"soo.. who's it for?" darryl asks zak, making skeppy worried.

"it's for someone i like.." zak said getting a tint red on his cheeks

"oh.." darryl sounded upset. "well then is this your way of confessing to them..?"

bad asked with a hint of disappointment in his voice

"well yeah.., i really liked them for a long time, at first i just ignored my feelings but when we met, it got stronger, i couldn't bear it."

"so what are they like?" bad asked with a frown.

"well don't get me started, they're the reason I'm happy, they're always there when i need them,
even though i make fun of them, i realized how Important they we're to me."

"they wouldn't like me" zak scoffs

"I'm the person who makes them angry, upset, and guilty. theres no chance that they would like me."

"o-oh..well then tell me who is it so i can help you." darryl said feeling hurt, but brought zak a smile to make him feel better.

"u-uh.. it's actually you.." zak said in a blushing mess, zak hid his face with his hoodie cause of embarrassment.

"w-what? me? darryl was shocked. and in a blushing mess like zak is.

"yea you, you've supported me since the beginning, you've been so nice to me! i don't even know why you still care about me, I've trolled you so much. made fun of you and stuff.."

zak said breaking his voice. nearly about to cry.

"hey hey.. don't cry you muffin" darryl gets closer to him and hugs him tightly

"don't say that! you have done so much for me, you're just unaware. you're always there for your friends, you support people in the hardest time. don't ever think that you're not good enough you muffin"

darryl gave him a smile causing zak to smile too.

silence kept the room quiet.

"and..i like you too you muffin"


(434 words)

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