You light up my world

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Zak was playing on the server hypixel, it was raining heavily but suddenly a loud thud was being heard outside,

Suddenly all the electricity went down. Zak's monitor shut off. and no light was was there to be seen except the the cars and the street lights flaring through Zak's window.

Zak got his flashlight on the drawer beside him.
and he quickly got up.

he went to darryl's room, "hey bad are you alright? the power might be gone until tommorow." zak told darryl.

darryl didn't answer because he was frightened.
zak saw darryl shiver of fear with the entire blanket on him.

"i-i'm afriad of the dark..skeppy.." bad said in a shaking voice.

"you know i..e-easily get scared right? well this is more awful." darryl told zak in fear.

" you need me to stay here the entire night? well i can. I don't have anything to do." zak asked darryl.

"no..that would be such a bothersome to you..muffin.." darryl said shaking.

"no! it's alright bad" zak went closer to darryl and shared the same blanket "I'll protect you from those evil monsters!" skeppy said playfully trying to lighten the mood up whilst giggling.

bad giggled to Zak's cute actions. "oh you muffin!" darryl exclaimed with a laugh.

"I'm gonna hug you! so no monsters would steal my darryy!!" zak zaid playfully while he hugged darryl tightly.

the both boys laughed. but later on the room was filled with silence.

"BOO!" skeppy tried to scare darryl. "BSUSJ- You muffin! you scared me.." darryl was startled by skeppy, he then faces the other direction and crossed his arms.

while zak was laughing uncontrollably.

"HAHAHA- I-i'm sorryyy! i couldn't help it," zak was laughing again. but darryl didn't respond,
"hey! I'm sorryy please forgive me.." zak said worriedly that he've gone too far.

"hmph.. fineee I forgive you little muffin head and your shenanigans." bad said as he faced forward to zak and hugged him tight.

darryl placed his lips on Zak's forehead making the both boys blush.

darryl and zak played together and shared some stories. they were laughing the entire night and in the same blanket.

a few minutes later they fell asleep in both of their arms, they we're cuddling while they we're both sound asleep.

(why do i get all the great and fun ideas like when I'm about to sleep brain)

(406 WC)

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