it doesn't hurt that much

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Darryl was cutting some green onions for the soup he will be making.

while zak was sitting on the couch comfortably while watching some movies on the Tv screen.

while darryl was cutting some green onions a whine was heard from him. "Ouch!" bad said in a whiney voice. He picked his finger.

Zak sat attention to darryl, worried.
he immediately paused the movie and ran into darryl. Zak was really worried.

"oh my god! are you okay darry?" skeppy said worriedly to him holding Darryl's hand with blood on his finger.

"nono it's fine muffin, it doesn't really hurt that muc-" darryl said. but zak butted in.

"nO! wheres the first aid kit!?" zak said running off and looking through every shelf and cabinet he could see,

zak was panicking and too worried for darryl.
"Ah found it!" skeppy said in relief as he ran to darryl again.

"come here, sit on the couch." zak ordered him as he holds darryl's other hand and went towards the sofa hurriedly.

"You muffin, you don't need to-" Darryl tried to tell zak that hes fine but zak refused.

"nO! you're hurt! I don't want to see you hurt.." zak said worriedly and focused on his finger that had some little blood on it.

darryl gave up, he didn't want zak look worried so he let zak help him.

zak bandaged it carefully, so darryl wouldn't be hurt. they both sat there patiently.

"Done! you feel better?" zak exclaimed as he showed a smile on his face.

"Yeah, thank you muffin. you didn't really need to besides it didn't really hurt that much." Bad said making zak frown a little.

"o-oh, sorry if i overreacted..i just dont wanna see you hurt." zak said in a low tone.

"I'm just gonna go-" skeppy said as he gets up from the couch. but darryl held his hand before he could do anything.

"noo! I'm sorry muffin, i know you tried to help me. so thank you so much my numty muffin."
bad said as he pulled zak closerr to him centimeters away.

darryl held his chin and kissed him on the lips, they both fell in love in the kiss and then soon broke.

zak hugged bad after the kiss which made darryl fall on the couch, while zak was on top of him.

"i love you darry, please be careful next time!" zak laughed as he looked into the boys eyes.

"aww, sure I'll be more careful, thank you muffin. andd i love you too muffin" darryl laughed.

they both cuddled some time more, and zak helped darryl make the soup he was supposed to do.

they both laughed and giggled and flirted with each other.

( i was gonna do vise versa but eh i kinda like this more)

(470 WC)

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