Chapter 19

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Kirishima's POV

             Although working with Tetsutetsu wasn't all that bad I still didn't enjoy my time at the agency. I wasn't learning anything great and I didn't get to do any hands on work which was super unmanly. When I dreamt of joint an agency I wanted there to be adventure and valuable lessons to learn before becoming a pro hero. However this was much less than I had wanted, I had informed Aizawa of my wanting to change agencies already so I would have to wait to see if any other hero's would take me in. As I waited I wondered how Y/n's first day went and decided to text him.

Shark boy: Hey pebble, how was your for a day?

Shark boy: *first day

Y/n: UGH, do I have a story to tell you

Shark boy: Ooh, do spill

Y/n: So I had to run after this girl who was stealing some money from a bank.

Shark boy: L U C K Y! Anyways proceed

Y/n: So I catch up to her and freeze her feet to the ground, she is totally helpless.

Shark boy: Hell yeah! That sounds awesome!

Y/n: you haven't even heard the best parrt ye

Y/n: *part yet

Y/n: I lift up her hoodie because my curiosity was killing me and she has the audacity to fucking kiss me!

Y/n: *hoood

Shark boy: was it your first kiss

Y/n: Yup?

Shark boy: Why the question?

Y/n: Sorry ment to send me exclama ton point

Y/n: *!!

Shark boy: did you like it?

Y/n: well kinda but HoLD ON!

Y/n: I only like it because it was part of her quirk

Shark boy: oh shit, plot twist

Y/n: So she asks me to take off the ice from her feet and I oblige because I'm under her control because I got close to her like a FUCKING idiot

Shark boy: At least you will have an interesting story to tell your kids in the future.

Y/n: Yeah but it was so embarrassing!

Shark boy: I would've rather lived through that than keep going to the agency I am at right now.

Y/n: Why what happened??

Shark boy: Absolutely nothing

Y/n: doesn't sOund very manly

Shark boy: Nope.

              I end the conversation there since there was nothing to really respond to "Nope". I thought about the story that Y/n had told me, some random girl that he met took his first kiss. It made me jealous that I couldn't be his first. The jealousy made my throat tickle and I knew it was that time again.
              I grab a nearby tissue and cough into it. My throat started to feel more sore after every cough and it hurt like hell but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't suppress it. The jealously made the coughs become harder and more unbearable.
              My mom -Ayano- came into my room and asked if I was okay. I couldn't reply because I was still spitting out the blood and petals from my mouth. Tears started to roll down my moms face, "Eijiro,you need to do something about this, I don't want you to hold back until it's too late. You need to tell him."
                I then started to cry, "what if he doesn't love me mom? What if I'm not good enough for him. God, I love him, but he can do so much better." Mom sat down next to me on my bed and held me in her warm embrace.
                 "Eijiro, you won't know until you tell him. He may just feel the same way about you and you wouldn't even know. Maybe Y/n is going through the same thing you are right as we speak and we wouldn't even know it."

Y/n's POV

            The coughing attack started during our conversation. I was typing the wrong letters and words left and right. Ending the conversation after Kiri texted "nope" I figured it was a good time to go to the bathroom and like up all of the floors and blood I had in me.
            Tying my hair back (if you don't have longer hair then skip that) I continue to vomit. My Guardian came up to the bathroom door at the perfect time asking what I wanted for dinner.
            I respond with a weak "I don't care what we have." They seemed to notice my hoarse tone and knocked again just to ask if I was alright.
            "Yeah I was just choking on some water." Covering my mouth I attempt to conceal the coughs that tried to escape my mouth. " Okay. " They left without another word and so I took the opportunity to take a nice long hot shower to rid the coughs temporarily. This was hard, to keep such a big secret from my guardian as well as everyone else. I just didn't want anyone to worry about me or ask why I have the Hanahaki disease. I chose to stay independent and that's how it was going to stay, at least for now.


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